September 8, 1941. My. Gene Sullivan, Sports Editer, St. Joseph News-Press, St. Joseph, Missouri. Dear Gener On Septenber Grd I had occasion to go with a group to deliver a young chronic alcoholic to Hospital No. 2 eat St. Joseph. While at the hospital I picked up a copy of your publication of September 2 in which you referred to the unfortumate bad manners of the Oxahe people in connection with Bug Ward's fine exhibition. I was interested in what you had to say regarding all sports, and in the comparisons that you made. Gene, the plea thet I make is that these college boys are amateurs, or should be, at least, and that we have adopted professional tactics in the treatment of these college boys. Basketbell is the only spert in college where these boys _ are subjected to the indignities of a highly emotional fandon. Ia golf most of these professionals come up from the caddy stage and they are hard-nosed end hard-boiled, generally speaking, and razzing doesn't hurt many of them. The college boy is a student primarily, or at least the majority of them are, enc it is for this be class that I say should be protected from the blatant rowdyism that obtains in profession- al baseball, wrestling, and so forth. I em still trying to keop my boys amateur in the strict sense of the word and I am endeavoring to have them cone duct themselves as gentlemen. I am not lifing in a fool's paradise and I realize that basketball has become prefessional the same as hes football end most of the college sports. But there are still exceptions to that rule and I hope there always will be somee I wented you to mow that I enjoyed your erticle and had I not & hak oe wacabe with me who had to get back to Kansas City I would have dropped in for a short chat. You have