November 6, 1941 Yrs. Theodosia Powell Smith Feature Writer ‘The Journal Peoria, Lllinois Hy dear Ers. Smith, You will please pardon me for not answering your good letter of Ceteber 26 sooner. The truth of the matter is that I've been so "bloomin™ busy that Ifve failed to respond as readily as I de- | sired. Congratulations on your appointment as feature writer ase of the Journal. I imow that you must be very happy now that ee you are back to your “first love”. It must be a great thing for a newspaper women to get back doing tho thing that provides such a vicarious existence. . - I assure you that I am sorry that you cannot be here for our backetball season, but you are in a town where basketball is em- phasized very strongly. Goach Robertson of Bradley Tech. always ial @ hee Nay OS eey ee eC ae or Our team is young, but I believe + will show a degree of promise. I assure you that it was a great pleasure to do any small favor thet I could for you in your coming to Lawrence. I thought so much of Day, he was a grand gentleman. And your son, William, is also a fine gentleman so you have many pleasant memories I am sure. If at any time I can be of any service in any way to you please do not fail to call upon me. With all good wishes I am Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Fca/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach