Ost. 1, 1941 Basketball Coach Swarthmore College Swarthmore, Pa. Dear Bill, Believe it or not, I've been carrying your letter of May 27 on my desk for all this time waiting for an opportunity where- by I could write you a long and lengthy epistle such as your good letter. pa I handled our Varsity baseball in addition to my own adminis- trative duties last spring so that tied me up more definitely than I had been heretofore. Then, I had a great many high school commencement dates, and in addition, I had a lot of grapefruit and lettuce speeches to make, 80 the summer came on and since I taught eight classee in the summer session and hed complete charge of the University summer recreation course, I still found myself busy. As soon as that was finished I went to Iowa to a coaching school which was conducted by Clarke Shaughnessey, Bernie Bierman, Henry Toba, and myself. On Sept. 6, my daughter, Jane, was married to a young Princeton man who resides in Chicago, and if you have women folk who have to do with weddings you can appreciate what a busy time we had. Then, on Sppt. 15 we got our youngest son, Bob, and our youngest deughter, Eleanor, on their way to the University of Pennsylvania. Bob is studying medicine--he graduated from here last June. His address is Room 44, Norris Hall, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. leanor wanted to get away from home after her sophomore year, so she is enrolled in the School of Pine Arts and she is living at 415 Sergeant Hall, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. . Please do not feel at all that you are under any obligations to see him until you have an opportunity, but I know that Bob would be gled to see you if you have any tize. We are alone in our big house here and the way we locate each other is by keeping still and listen for the other rattling around--like two dried peas in a pod--so you see, that's easy. Eleanor and Bob attended the Kansas-Temple game in Philadelphia last Friday night and seemed to have a good time. We got a fine letter from Eleanor and instead of being homesick she is en- thusiastically liking it more every dey and we know that Bob realises that he is entering a profession that takes close application and much work to get the proper training.