Septexber iv, 1941. Coach Walter T. Hunt, Potwin, Xansas. Dear Conch Hunt: I am very sorry that I have been unable to answer your kind letter of the Sth instant sooner. We are in the midst of enrollment, which has caused us to delay answering some of the letters that heve come to my desks If you have access to a copy of my book, “Better Basketball", which you no doubt have in your school library, you will find a complete description and photographs of a shoulder brace that I think is just what your boy needs. Look on pages 362 and 363 of the book for the pictures and I had this brace made for a boy who was attending « prep sohool in the east, and it has proven very successful. Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods Company, of Kansas City, made the brace, and will make others on order. It is rather exyensive, but is very efficient in oases such as you describe. With best wishes to you, I am Very sincerely yours, / Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: All Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.