Dee. 12, 1941 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Lawrence, Kens. Dear Doe: You'll vrobably be surprised to hear from me way out here, but just today T was reading tn the Journal-WVorld about your having the largest team members since 1929 and the fact that vou had some good materisl arain. As I probably told you, before I left Stanley and the Lawrence theatres, we bought this confectionary and sift shop the first fm of Sentember. Business has been very gratifving, and although *t isn't Lawrence, the neople are most hospitable out here and we are getting along fine. We make most of our own candy, Doc, and when I made 2 batch of horehound this week I happened to remember that I read som that you had a weakness for horehound. &s vou vrobably: ke horehound is a vredominant flavor, therefore the candy factories often dumm the scraps of other flavors together to make this. With us it's different. When we make horehound, we make just that and we make it just a little stronger with menthol than do most of the others. Try the sample inclosed and tf yar like it, we shiv 3 lbs exnress prepatd to your door for $1.25. Five pounds premid, $1.75, or 30ยข ver vound after the original three pounds. Tf *t doesn't impress vou wav above the ordinary, then just recard this as another letter, for T know vour time 4s always filled up. A havvoy Christmas to you 9nd vour family and 1'11 be watching the Journal-World and following snother sucecessfil basketball season with the Jayhawkers. regards, Emory Seot C.& E. SHOP Goodland, Kansas