HEADQUARTERS FORT LEAVENWORTH OFFICE OF THE COMMANDING GENERAL In reply refer to: FORT LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS November 17, 1941 Dr. EF. CG. Alloa, Physical Education Department, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. My dear Dr. Allen, You may recall me as having attended K.U. from Leavenworth for five years from 1925 to 1930. I am now on one year's active service as a re- serve officer with the United States Army. In making application for a transfer to the Judge Advocate General's Department it became necessary for me to furnish a transcript of my college record. This was the first time I had ever seen a full transcript of my record, never having had occasion to use it before. Upon receiving this transcript I discovered that all my grades were good ones, with the excep- tion of an "F" in the spring of 1927 in exercise. As I never took exercise at K.U. I was greatly surprised at this "I" and you can readily understand that it stood out like a sore thumb on my record. The reason I never took exercise was that I took three (3) years R.O.T.C., including drill, from the fall of 1925 to the spring of 1928, at which time I received a reserve commission. At that time the drill in R.O.T.C. exempted you from exercise. I had some correspondence with Mr. Hitt, Assistant Registrar at the university, and he stated that his office had no power to change the official records, which I presume is true. He also stated that Mr. Herbert Allphin had turned this grade in, so I wrote to Mr. Allphin. Just received a letter from Allphin, in which he states that he has been gone from K.U. for over two years and does not remember anything about the grade given. As you were director of athletics during the year 1927 it occurred to me that you would remember the ruling as to exercise at that time and since the records will show that I did take R.O.T.C. at that time it would seem that this matter should easily be cleared up. I would certainly appreciate any suggestion you might have to make or anything you could do for me, I am very anxious to straighten out this matter as I never received a failure in any course at the university and had always been rather proud of my scholastic record there. Thanking you in advance for your assistance I remain. Very truly your JAMES N. SNYDE . Captain, CAC, R,