£208 Lathrop, Kansas City, Kansas Jan. 28, 1942 Deer DOG. sc Congratulations, that was a tough game but you win those kind,. Was certainly glad to see you after the game even to just say hello and good-bye... IT know you are a busy man so will make my letter short.. I have a prospect which I think would someday bolster the KU basketball team in a championship fight.. His name is Don Barrington, Tom VanCleave, Jr..might have told you about him, and he is now playing with Kansas City, Kansas Junior College.. The best recomendation ITcan give you is from the former high school coach of Ray Noble,,Herb Conner.. Conner who works here ‘at the Phillip plant told me that he considers this oa of the college calibre that Noble was.. T would like to bring him up to the Towa: State — basketball game in a few weeks and let you coe to him for a few minutes.. I have played basketball with him and besides being a cou player he is an outstanding and likeable student.. Will appreciate it = if you would reserve me three tickets for this game.. I will pay for them and pick them up at the athletic office and then see you after _the game.. Good luck in the conference games ahead and wilt be. seei ye after ae home Ones...