for you that is within my power. I had understood that they had clesed the physical eduoation training contingent, and if I am wrong you tell me. Where did you get the information that physical training is still open? 7 ZT have had several fellows write me recently and tell me that everything wes closed in that classification. I would say that those three years of baseball would be very helpful to you, together with your long experience in athletics and your managing, and so forth. I will write the best letter possible for youe You can count on that. It will be a good one. Tell me to whom I shall H on # bE F t i j Fy Be “8 ie i; a8 : j p < B ul et 38 ge : : on This is not a retreat from danger. You apt to be pushing big shells in those guns and fighting along with the Navy boys at any place." And a lot of these boys that I know of are already in this sort of work. will be expecting another epistle in a very short while. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Edueation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach.