NY Cranes 1YASL¥ KR ° Lt $3 mni Squad DARTMOUTH STOPS FORDHAM, 44 70 40 Indians Triumph Over Ram Quintet in Keen Battle on Hanover Court BROBERG GETS 15 POINTS Leads Sophomore Players in Superb Passing Tactics— Fitzgerald Is Star . Special to THR New YorK TIMES. HANOVER, N. H., Dec. 14—Cap- tain Gus Broberg and his sopho- more basketball cast proved too much for oFrdham tonight and the Indians won a close game_ by 4440. Broberg led the scoring with 15 ponts, but received aid throughout from George Munroe and Jim Ol- sen who accounted for 24 points between them. With the score tied at the half Dartmouth managed to keep just ahead of the visitors throughout the second session. The brilliant work of Dick Fitzgerald, Fordham guard, kept his team in the run- ning during this half. He also |seored 15 points during the game. A crowd of 3,000 was kept on edge, however, as Fordham contin- ually peppered the basket with long shots while Dartmouth excelled in a short passing game which fea- tured the towering Olsen always. under the basket. At one stage Fordham drew up to 30-29, but the Rams were unable to catch Dart- mouth in the second half.