august 5, 194], las Virgil Severe, Ashland, Kansase Dear’ Virg: 7 I trust that you like Boulder and its environment, 2 Don't you think it a rather sad commentary, Virg, when a fellow peddles athletes on the hoof? i have always tried to impress upon the boy that the education a men gets in college is much more durable | then his athletic career, We are kidding fellows when we try to put athletios as the most important experience in college life. But I suppose that fellows who cet paid in college with soft jobs camot comprehend way an ethiete would choose « college more en the soadenia than the athletic basis. lots of good luck to you, Virg, in your lew practico, i but not so muck success in your endeavors. Mens renaiieee se Sinily S0 Rive Severe ead your Surly. Se ee =a Sincerely yours, aa —e Director of Physical Eduostion and Recreation, PCA:AE Varsity Basketball Conch.