August 7, 1941. . Myre We. Ce Simons, President, The Lawrence Daily Journal World, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Simons: I am returning herewith your check which you so kindly mailed me for what little service I was able to render. I could not think of taking it, Mr. Simons, because it would rob me of something that I gave you as a neighbor and a friend. You have been very kind and too generous heretofore. Just because I happened to be in a position to serve you and Irs. Simons makes it worth more to me not to take it, than to accept it. When a man offers to pay me for some service, then the offer is payment enough for the deed -- more than money. I trust that you will take this in the spirit that it is written. In one way I know it would make you feel better if I should cash the checke On the other hand, I assure you that you are under no obligation in any way whatsoever to me. You and your family have been very kind to the Allens on many occasions. So will you kindly void this check? Sincerely yours, : , Director of Physical Eduontion and Recreation, FCA sAH Varsity Basketball Coach. Encle : 3