May 7th, 1921 lirse Josenhine Le Sans Box 127 Chapman, Hansas Dear Mrs. Sans: i acknowledge receipt of your letter of May 4the I was uncer the impression that I had explained to you in our conversation that Course Nos 39, Blementary Playground Activities will be ineluded in our Summer Teaching Program, if and when we have ten people enrolled in that courses We have received permission from the Administretive Committee to offer this course with you as teacher if we can get the ten studente enrollede The sumer session authorities are very dubious about a big enrol inent and do not hold forth much promise in getting the ten students enrolled Our summer session enrol Iment bones on June llth, and Commencement ferercises close the evening of June 9th. ‘ou expressed an opinion that if you could be here during enrollment, you might stimulate enrollment in this COUrS@s iam offering the course Community Peersation. This is a three-hour- / course, but the course No. 59, Dlementary Playground Activities is a troehour= COUPS Ce : : | _ It seems rather difficult to Bgk you to work up a course to teach this sixtyshour diploma requirement, especially when you're not certain the course would be offered if we do mot have the required numbers However, I would suggest that you do that and if this does not materialize, I told you |. that you might have your last year's work for a certainty. 1 was endeavoring to mke your summer's work as lucrative as possible. - _ I believe the only thing to do is plan on taking over your last year's work and adding to it by teaching this course, if possible. Certainly I de not want to use this sixty hour course to cut down on my course on Commun-~ ity Recreation that I had offered. You will understand this, of courses _ WGll you kindly write me any ideas that you have after you reeeive Rs Sincerely vours, Director of Physical Edueation and Recreation FCA: re - Varsity Basketball end Saseball Coaches