January 24, 1941 Dean Raymond Ae Schwegler School of Education UMhiversity of Kansas Dear Dean Schwegloers I have been desiring to see you the last few days concerning Mrse Josephine Sems, who has @ Master's Degree in the School of Educations Urs, Sems was Josephine lant, who taught et Oak Park High School in Chicage before she was marriede. She has two childrene The situation became such that it was necessary for her to return to teaching again and ashe came here to secure her Master's Degree and is now teaching at the Chapman, Kansas High Schoole You doubtless remember that she assisted us with our Caummity Reereation course last sumer. She desires to return to the Uni versity this coming summer and assist us as ehe did last summers You will remember that we endeavored to heve Miss Stapleton placed on the staff so that she might teach the Playground Methods course for the GO«hour diploma people last swmer, It is my opinion that we - @ould get Mrse Sams for a very swall consideration and I believe she —s do a good jobe Im fact, I do not believe we would have to go to the Budget Committee because, together with the Departuental budgetary gllowance given us if we could get some small additional help from Mre Chandler, I believe we could make ite This would enable us if keep the women's side open and we would be able to render @ real service to these teachers coming in who desire this coursee At least, we could see how much of an appeal this course would have to outside teachers» Mrse Sams is & very intelligent womane I do not believe we wuld suffer in the least by having her offer this courses The reason I am writing you at the present time is to see if you are agreeable to this echeme and if you are, to see if it is possible tc facilitate matters so that we might get some publicity or at least have the offering printed in a program after we have received the consent of the Chancellor and Adninistrations Iwill be gled to see you and talk with you, if you feel this is worthwhile. : 3 Sincerely yours, Director of cal Educati | | FoAsle wesite of Gane cel Bearention,