June 17th, 1941 Mr, Pr. Lis Sutton , Sedalia, Missouri Dear Mr. Sutton: : Pardon my delay in answering your good letter of dune 5th. This rubber strap was bought by a druggist — here in Lewrence, “ansas, from some drug out-fit. I believe thet you would have no difficulty if you would go to any of your local druggists and have them order you say one-half dozen of these rubber straps.' I think you can get most any length or width yourflesire, if you will specify the same. _ would suggest that you get Mr. Wilsom's sacro-iliac belt and measure and then order same shorter and some longer. . Please give my kindest regards to Kr. Wilson. I think he ia a dandy fellow. ? With all good wishes, I an, Fraternally yours, Director of Physical Education and — Recreation-Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. FCA: re