July 19, 1941. liv. Gilbert Sollenberger, 400 &. Belmont, Wichita, Kansas. Dear Mr. Sollenberger: Thank you for your kind letter telling me of Marvin's operation. I had seen Bob Gilliland at the baseball game just before your letter camo and he told me about Marvin. While I was rather shocked, someway I felt that it may be better for Marvin as perhaps some of the difficulty of lower vitality that he exper- ienced was porhaps due to his bad appendix. . Mervin is going to supervise our towel room employees moxt year, and we are counting on a fine year with him. Please give him our best regards when you seo him. Bob was happy to receive your kind greetings. With kindest personal regards, I em Very sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.