July 24, 1941, Mr. Chester Snith, c/o Burns & MeDonnell, 107 West Limwood Blvd., Kensas City, Mos Dear Chet: ‘Tam just now acknowledging receipt of your fine letter of February 15th last winter. : I certainly enjoyed your forty years ago episode, I remember Soy wall helen Gn of ta bik ps gol peg gets = Rigel at old Union depot. Tidn't we have a lot of fum, and what a bail geme thet west I was gled to read thet were ane of the first men ewerded e “K" in end doubtless you deserve a lot of eredit for putting up the fight Se hae Thee ayes Pomeeetaeds ‘thanks, Chet, for writing and reminding me of the fortieth anniversary of our first meeting. At ee we? with all good wishes, I an Sincerely yours, FOAsAH Varsity