Werch 25, 1941 Mre John “se Slocum State Commission of Revenue and Taxation State “onse : | Topeke, Kansas Dear Johns Thank you for your vory informative and confidential letter of arch 22. Iwill be guided discretely by your very valuable advice, I have never fod you wrong in sizing up situations and T believe in this oase you have the situation well in hands You can rest assured I have reed all you have ‘written and consider it extremely confidential and very valuable tO Ml. Tam leaving on a speaking engagement at the chase, Kanses Commmity High School and wePherson, Kansase At the first opportunity I heve I will ston at the State House and aay hello te FOU With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Reereation Varsity Basketbell and Rasoball Coach JOHN McCUISH, CHAIRMAN WM. LJUNGDAHL, COMMISSIONER MARC. BOSS, COMMISSIONER BERT E. MITCHNER, DIRECTOR OF REVENUE ey ‘ VERNON C. ROSENSTAHL, ATTORNEY FRED HORN, SECRETARY STATE OF KANSAS ; STATE COMMISSION OF REVENUE AND TAXATION TOPEKA March 22, 1941 Dre Forrest C. Allen Basketball and Baseball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: This letter is in regard to our prolific scoring basket- ball center of Seneca Public High, Alton Wiley. Lauretta has shown me a copy of the letter and clippings sent by Bernard Kampert, Seneca druggist and former K. U- football player. You also have received copies of the publi- city given this young man by the Courier Tribune and sent to the Kansas City Star by the Courier. As you know, Seneca won ~ the district tournament, also their conference title, but lost . in the regional meet at Holton. The Seneca team has been very mich a one-man team with Wiley, standing a full six inches above everyone else, being fed the ball whereupon he gently places it in the basket with hardly any opposition. This is undoubtedly the reason for his high score of over three hundred points this year. The young fellow is only seventeen years old, parents of medium financial status, who will be able to partially help him in the University and perhaps will take care of all of his expenses if approached in the right manner. As to his scholastic rating in high school, you will find it quite average. The Superintendent of Schools, J. E. Bowers, has been pampering the young fellow, granting special privileges in his behalf for the last three years because of his basketball playing. A characteristic of the boy that is quite predominent is a con- tinuous twitching of the muscles in his facee As I understand it, this was caused by a minor attack of infantile paralysis when he was quite younge He is highly nervous, agreesive in speech but lags a little in performance. Now I will tell you the reason for the Seneca High team not being able to attend the Oklahoma A. & Me game. We have e peculiar situation in Seneca. We have a superintendent of schools (named above) who is violently disliked by everyone in the community except members of the school board. He has been rehired for another year because of a majority of one vote on the school board, his votes being from individuals who have Dre Forrest C. Allen-=2 March 22, 1941 children in school that have received special privileges, one being the valedictorian this year, another honor roll, and still another employment in the high school office. Another school board vote was gained by having a wife of one of the members on the substitute teaching list. It's a bad situation, Dr. Allen, something that the community is almost up in arms abows but can't do anything about until another election takes place. The superintendent being extremely jealous of the coach because of his success in both his football and basketball this year, would not let the coach bring the boys because of the fact he wishes to bring them to the campus later in the year and has given them promises of untold mgnitude. The. superintendent is making statements to the boys that he knows you’ like a brother“and that you will do as he wishes if he asks any special favor. Personally, I like our superinterident, but I don't admire the way in which he accomplishes some of his selfish purposes. As a result of the boys not coming to Lawrence, they have said that they will not, under any condition, come to the campus with the superintendent because they feel that it is up to their high school coach, Dale Ridgeway, to bring them. It puts Ridgeway in a very peculiar position which I hope will be remedied soon. As for Wiley, he does not look as if he would make a University basketball player but we do have another boy,whom our superin- tendent and coach seemed to have overlooked somewhat, by the name of Donald Price, whom I believe, after a year of freshman practice would make you a darn good pidyer, and then in another year, there's a young man the name of Frank Ruske, Jr., who will graduate and fme/is’' 1" of a very good physique and who has shown very food basketball playing ti8 will be another good prospect. Don Price will be in the University and will pro- bably be out for freshman basketball next yeare He is not re- ceiving any publicity. He's a quiet individual, very unassuming with an ideal attitude. Getting back to Wiley, I am sure he will be in school and will be out for freshman basketball next year, but let's don't promise him any employment or anything of that sort. Let his parents put him through and let him dig for what he gets out of the University. Between you and me, I don't believe the boy will be able to last through the first year scholastically. This letter is probably rather cynical and full of facts. I don't mean to cast any shadows but I do think you should know the background of our Seneca set-up. Will see you in Lawrence Soon. JWS /rm march 26, 1943 Yesterday I spoke to the Traffic Club and promised myself that before I got out of Kansas City I was going to drive out end say hello te i However, Dam. Durand met me after luncheon and asked me to work on Fred Wolcott's Imes, the Rice University hurdlere As @ consequence, I worked om him end then Cal Morrow and webb BoTlowmy met me at the Athletic Club, where I was working on Wolcott, and we hac @ cenference which lasted wtil such & time that I was forced te hurry back to Lawrence te coach the baseball teame This is no good alibi ct all, Ten, but Iassure you tit the firet opportunity I.have to come to Kansas City Iam going to drop ovt and aay hello to youe 1 feel mther low dow for net having called on you scentrse But it is just one of those things thet people have no excuses for but are nevertheless ashamed of themselves for not doinge I have talked to Dr. Tave Robinson about you and told him I WAS Coming to see you, Only yesterday I reac of the accident to Dre Robinsone You beep up the good fight, fn, we are certainly going to SOS YOU SCO. , 1 an leaving today at noon for Chase, Kansas to speak at their Community High School banquet tonight, and tomorrow night I speak at MoPhersone Also I am coachins the basebell team. I an just trying te show you, Tan, that I try to kid myself into being busy, But friends are worth more than merely rumning around the country and I want you to mow that I consider you one of my tried and true friends, I heve never the many kindnesses and courtesies thet you extended ne, With sincerest Wishes for your complete ani rapid recovery, I am, Sincerely yours, — Director of Physical Sducation and Recreation Varsity Becsketball end BaseballCoach FOAslg lire Reymond Swanson Lansing, Kansas Dear 10. Swanson, I have your letter of lmrch 25, and my i @m giad to hear of your success in the past basketball seasons if there is anything I can do for you at any time please do not hesitate to call on més, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball coach MArlg Lansing, Kansas March 25, 1941 Dr. Forrest ©. Allen University Of Kansas. Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I have used your name again as a reference and I hope if you receive any Dlenks to fii] ‘out that you will do 1% for me. School is going along fine. I had a very good basketball season. We lost out in the District Tournament in a tough overtime game. Track has started now and it sure is nice to work outside. We are going to have a very good track team so maybe we can see you at the K. U. Relays. Thank you very much for your trouble and I hope I can return the favor sometime. Yours very truly, ota econ | Raymond Swanson April 10, 1942 Mite Henry Shenk Director of Athletics Junction City High School Junction City, Kansas Dear Henrys — I am authorized by Dean Stouffer to inform you that you have been selected as Associate Professor in Physical Education at the University of Kensas for the nine months term, beginning September, 1941 and ending in June, 1942, at a salary of $2250e00. . , : Chancellor Malott is-out of towmm, but before leaving Sunday night he gave approval to Raymond Nichols and to fean Stouffer to make the selection, Of course, they prefer that no publicity be given this action until the Board of Regents meets, which will be sometime in the middle of Maye I have just phoned Raymond Nichols this morning and the date is not definitely set for the Regents’ meetinge Since you have been in school work you ean readily understand the red tape in such mtterse I was so sorry to learn of the passing of Mre~. Shenk's mothers lirse Allen and I both extend our deepest sympathies in her bereavement. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation 1 Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach FCAg April 16, 1941 Mire Henry Shenk Director of Physical Education Jmetion City JunioreSenior High School Junction City, Kansas Dear lire Shenks Thank you for your letter of Apert 15 enclosing the photographe We are pessing this on to Mre Raymond Wichols, the Executive Secretary in the Chancellor's Offices tam just now getting ready to leave for Norman, Oklahoma where we play baseball on Thursday and Fridaye However, I plan to be here Saturday morning and will be glad to see you thens _ Sincerely yours, - Director of Maysical Education and Recreation : Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach PAslg PeSe Tt was necessary for Ire Allen to leave for Vorman, Oklehama before this lotter ws written, and he asked me to sign ee : Secretary to Dre Allen JUNCTION CITY JUNIOR-SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL JUNCTION CITY, KANSAS ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT HENRYA. SHENK, DIRECTOR OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION, HEAO FOOTBALL COACH, HEAD TRACK COACH. RAYMOND JOHNSON, ASSISTANT FOOTBALL COACH, JUNIOR HIGH BASKETBALL COACH. IZAC EMRICH, SENIOR HIGH BASKETBALL COACH April 15, 1941. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Educétion, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: Enclosed you will find the picture you requested. I know I shall be very happy in the Physical Education Depart- ment at K.U. under your direction. T am bringing a few boys down for the Relays and hope that.I will get a chance to talk to you. I'il drop by your office Saturday morning. Very sincerely, A Aha te July 15th, 1941 Mr. Henry Shenk Junction City Junior-Senior High School Junction City, Kansas Dear Henry: \ Yes, I know of this conflict, Henry. I discussed it when you were in conference with me here in Lawrence. But, I imagine like all other things, under such conditions, we just don't get them,all at the time. You know I said that there would’be conflicts but I thought we could arrmge, under your guidance or your appointment for some one else to handl this 31M, but you would still have your fatherly hand on the individual that conducted the 31M. I did this so that you might acqugint yourself with the 31M and yet I wanted you to have the academic solid such as the History and Principles of Physical Education. I presume that you would rather have History and Principles of Physical Education than to have the 31M course meeting every day a week, would you not? I did want, however, that you get a good baptism. I wanted that when you came you would feel that you were in this work right up to your neck since you have served your apprenticeship long ago, and, that you were ready for administrative work as well as your gymnastic and teaching work. That was the reason why I wanted you to supervise equitation and I also wanted you to supervise this 31M course with a view of having conferences with the fellow who gave it, and strengthening it as much /as possible under the conditions. There would be two days a week that you would be free at 8:30 to look in on the course and supervise it with the individual who should have it. I would be very happy to have you officiate games this fall. That will come at a time when I'm sure you can arrange your work compatible with all of your activities concerned. Yes, I too am looking forward to your working in our department and we're most happy to have you. ¥our long association in the State of Kansas has made many friends for you in your work and we're happy to have your reflect that good feeling from the University to our neighbors. With all good wishes, I am; Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. FCA:re JUNCTION CITY JUNIOR-SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL JUNCTION CITY, KANSAS ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT HENRY A. SHENK, DIRECTOR OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION, HEAO FOOTBALL COACH, HEAD TRACK COACH. RAYMOND JOHNSON, ASSISTANT FOOTBALL COACH, JUNIOR HIGH BASKETBALL COACH. IZAC EMRICH, SENIOR HIGH BASKETBALL COAGH 224 W. 6th Bt. Junetion City, Kans. July 14, 1941. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: In looking over my schedule for this fall I have found an anperent confliet between two courses. History anda Prin- ciffles of Phys. Ed. meets MWF at 8:30 and 31M meets MIWTF, also at $:30. I had not realized that 31 M met five times a week until I checked the sehedule more carefully, and I thought it would be better to call this to your attention now rather than waiting until we get to Lawrence. Is there any reason why I should not do some officiating this fall if I have the opportunity * I have been offered one or two games and will accept them if it is all right. I am looking forward to my work and am anxious to get started. I know I shall enjoy working under your supervision... Very truly yours, Hiram Shek July 5s 1941. Mire Henvy Shenk, Junction City, Kansase Dear Henry's I would like to have a conference with you as soon as possible after you come to lawrence. i noticed in the paper that you were moving, but do not mow to what street addresse i need to go over with you the courses you will teaches I trust that it is possible for you to induce your father@inelaw to live with yous | know it would be very enjoyable for all of youe Sineerely yours, oe i : Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA 348 Varsity Basketball Coache * \ ir. Henry Shouk, Junetion City, Kansas. bene Teeeye + as dil pee oie es een You will have for the fall schedule the Yractice Teaching in the Oread Training Schools It is listed for Monday, lodnesday and Friday fron 1:30 to 2:50 petie, but really it amounts to an every day load, Tuesday and Thursday included, We will endeavor to have your work arranged so that you will have no fourth hour class in the morn finge it is necessary thet the supervisor of practice teaching arrive about 2 pei, te supervise the onconing of thege youngsterse i Miss Joie Stapleton will teach the girls. This job of tho mon's really amomis to an athletic director's job thoughout the year. Of course, wo can sit down and talk over this thing thoroughly when you cules Then you will have History and Principles of Physical Edusation on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You will supervise Equitetion but that will be merely a supervisory job as Mrs Mott is an expert horseman. Ure Mlbel had thought of you ac teking — the 20«seriese ‘That rums through the 8:50 and 9330 hours on Monday, Wedmesday and Friday throughout the years Ses ee eee eee eee + ae The spring schedule would bo Remedial and Physical — Examinations, at 8:30 on Tuesday and + Then frack, a two hour course, om Tuesday and Thursday at 10:30, and the oe ee pe ac described. 7 Director of Physical Bdwoation end Recreation, FOAsAH Varsity Basketball Coaches sa = e April 5, 1942 Mr, Jay Simon Coffeyville Journal Coffeyville, Kengas Dear Jays on Thank you very mach for your clipping from the Bartlesville Examiners I appreciate your ding me the clipping om Goaleliie Yes, I am interested, and things are going along very nicelys Regarding our baseball prospects, I would say they are rather dim this yeare larry Hensley signed up with the fetroit outfit and hes been farmed out to a league in Kentucky. ‘Willer Cameron transferred fran the University of Mansas to the University of Oklehana this past falle Both of these boys felt thet there was not enough emphasis placed on their favorite sport and they did not care to continve another year Of course, we lost most of the team last years Horak, Jack Sands and Red Dugan, pitchers, were all seniorse vonte iurkle is saving his last year of eligibility for football. Bob Hunt and all the outfielders graduated so that only leaves Bddie Hall, a Keman from the year before, | as catcher and Knute Kresie as our number 1 pitchers _ On two different occasions,you can see by the schedule enclosed, we Gre playing four games handrumingse ‘the fact that we did not pick up eny pitchers causes us to be terribly lame in that linee John Burgeis : relief pitcher but could not goa full gamee Therefore, Bob Allen, apparently, is the number 2 pitcher, and we have a boy named Atwell, a lefthander, .- who does not pitch well at all, as the only other pitchers We will get socked beautifully by the other BigeSix teams who have now gone in strong for baseballe | : | i am sending you a clipping fraa Horace Mason's News Bureau regarding the baseball situation, but doubtless you have already received | the samee This is just a year of rebuilding so far as baseball is concerned. With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education end Recreation ‘Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach PCAslg 7 THE COFFEUVILLE JOURNAL cc pemceame ™™™ @ NEWS AND FEATURES @ BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Coffeyville, ‘Kansas April 3, 1041 Mer oe tues Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I found the enclosed clipping in Bartlesville Examiner and thought you might be interested in seeing how your game has caught on at the oil town. Things have been going very well with me here at Coffeyville. I like my job fine and most of the persons I talk with seem to think I am getting along o.k. I am going to be watching with interest your progress in the new-found field of baseball. Here's hoping you can bring the Jayhawks aut of the mire they've been in the last few years. April 7, 1942 Urse Marge Se Stockta - Lawrence, Kansas” Dear Mrse Stocktons I regret to advise you that I will be wmable to meet with your PeTeAe Council in regard.to your recreational program.on Wednesday evening, April 9 at 7:30 Pelle I em scheduled to speak at the Medicine Ledge, Manseas, Junior Chamber of Camerce Athletic Banquet on that dates I an serry tint I cantot be with you end trust that you will have a very profitable meetings I? at any time I can be of service, please command nee . Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education and tooreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach FOAtig April 16, 1941 down at Norman, ollahoma on thursday and Friday, and then I have a speaking engagement at the University Club at Wichita on Saturday nighte | ‘I am getting to be one of those famous orators, don't you mows the kind that the gardeners reserve their produce forse It is always good to see yous With kindest regards, I an, Sincerely yours, , Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach FCAsig / / : trate Cate 9 fhe neg. Ty. Nhat d ee ; aay. WESTERN UNION Chicago, Illinois Dre Forrest Ce Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas WHAT EVENTS BESIDES DECATHLON WILL BE HELD FRIDAY» WIRE COLLECT REGARDS WILFRID SMITH CHICAGO TRIBUNE CLASS OF SERVICE \ \ | E, S E RN 1201 “~ SYMBOLS \ This is a full-rate \ DL=Day Letter es T N= Overnih Telrom Secs a at : N I Ss (44 ) LC=Deferred Cable symbol above or pre- : NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. . B. Ee e. po pete eokyaed J. CS. WILLEVER FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT \ Ship Radiogram f RXKAV56 =DPR PAIDSTB CHICAGO ILL th 225P DR FORREST ALLEN= -UNTV OF KANSAS PAT APR 14 pm 2 59 «WHAT EVENTS BESIDE DECATHLON WILL BE HELD FRIDAY WIRE COLLECT REGARDS= ‘WILFRID SMITH CHGO Eeioeats THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCHRNING ITS SERVICE ‘ © Q May Ist, 1941 ' Wiss Hazel Lee Simmons Principal of Cordley School lawrence, Kansas Dear Miss Simmone: i greatly appreciate the thoughtfullness of. you and your students in inviting us to your Cordly Play Day on May oth, from 6330 to 7:50 o*’clock Pelle We play the Missouri Tigers here in baseball and since I'm coaching baseball, 1 will be busy with that activity until after six o'clock. I'm also coaching vasketball and we have our spring practice the first three days of each weeks this comes after dinner at 7200 o‘cloek, so I am sorry that I will not be able to avail myself of the opportunity of attending this fine Play Day of yours. However, i do thank you for your thoughtfulness. With.all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Reoreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. FGAsre LAW OFFICES OF Lee R. STANFORD STANFORD & BRUMMETT MARVIN O. BRUMMETT Residence Phone 490 Residence Phone 115 1: 2 Office Phone 94 11544, West Sixth Street Office Phone 94 CONCORDIA, KANSAS May 4th, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Baseball Coach, University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I was recently elected president of the local Ban Johnson Baseball Club. As you probably know we play a 72 game schedule here. That keeps up busy getting good players lined up. I just saw in the Kansas City: paper that they were not going to have Ban Johnson Baseball there this year. Last year I contacted tne Coach in re some players. Most of his players belonged to K. C. teams. I am wondering if some of them would like to come out here and try out? We are rebuilding our team this year. I think any good player @ould have a good chance to make the team. Personally I would like to see some K. U. boy on the team here. We, under the B. J. code, pay the room and board of the players and give teem expense money of $3.00 per week. If a boy is ambitious he can find a part time job at which he can make some money to Save to go to school on. The part time job he would get would be work though and he would have to earm his money. some of the teams in the division last year deviated from this rule, but it will be rigidly enYorced this year! Practice started here May lst. The first league game will be played May 18th. Before any boy is accepted on the roster he must present his contract and birth certificate. I know you are familiar with the Ban Johnson rules. Thanking you in advance for anything you can do for me ine this matter, and with best personal wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, Kee & Lee R. Stangord WESTERN KENTUCKY STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE BOWLING GREEN, KENTUCKY DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETICS June 2, 1941 Dre Fe Ce Allen University of Kansas Kansas City, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: We are holding a Basketball Clinic here at this institution this summer and I am desirous of securing a 16 me me picture on basketballe Do you know where one might secure such a picture? I will appreciate any suggestions or any helpe Best wishes, I am OB ours, Ee B. Stansbury Assistant Basketball Coach EBS:1t ¢ June 17th, 1941 Mr. BE. B. Stansbury Assistant Basketball Coach Western “entucky State Teachers College Bowling Green, Kentucky Dear Mr. Stansbury: Tne Eastman Kodak Company of Rochchester, New York have two reels which they took of the Kansas basketball team on basketball fundamentals. ‘They are sixteen millimeter films. I think they are very good in the depicting fundamentals. I believe they sell the two reels for forty five dollars but there are a great mumber of =xtension Divisions in Universities that rent the films for a mere mene $1.20, I believe. If you do not desire to purchase the films, I'm sure if you will write Mr. Fred Montgomery, in care of this University, be can give you any information you desire, as to renting the same. Trusting that you have a very successful basketball clinic, I an, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recrcsation-Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. FCA:ro