February 22, 1941 President . Sigma Alpha Epsilon University of Kenses Lawrence, Kansas Gentlemen: Your wire to me and the Kansas Besketball Squad - arrived at the field house in Columbia in good time for the boys to appreciate your friendly and loyel spirite Such things es this telegram give evidence that the basketball team is more than a group of men but an integral part of the University in which the organized houses end the team sre a determining parte ; Thenk you so mh for your thoughtfulness in wiring. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Eduestion and "ecreation Versity Besketbell Coach FCA ah ee \ : E S I E RN 2 —— _{Th’s is a full-rate Telegram or Cable- m unless its de- DL=Day Letter NT =Overnight Telegram erred character is in- ( 4 8 ) LC=Deferred Cable —— by a suitable ymbol above or pre- i es the address. NLT =Cable Night Letter R. B. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON J. Cc. WILLEVER PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT ~ Ship Radiogram ( 'Tha filing time shown in the data lina on telegrams and dav letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination AAJ209 3= LAWRENCE KANS 21 S19P DR ALLEN AND KANSAS UNIVERSITY BASKETBALL= jou FEB 21 PM 8 49 SQUAD FIELD HOUSE CO= YOU'RE THE ONESS SHOW MISSOURI=. SIG ALPHS®! THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE February 25, 1941 Mire Rele Soott ‘ Perry, Oklahoma Tear lire Scott; I want to thank you very much for your kindness and hospitality to our basketball team while we were in your city enroute to Stillwater, where we played the Oklahona Aggies on Pebruary 17e , It was very generous of you to do all the, nice things for us and we ere very grateful to youe Thank you very very muche Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach PCAslg — February 27, 1941 Mre Cede Shuttleworth Senior Associate Varden United States Penitentiary Leevenworth, Kansas Dear Warden Shuttleworth, _ I @m sorry that I have delayed answering your communication of the llth instante My teaching schedule and my game echedule keep me tied up so closely that I do not have time to answer my correspondentes Answering your question regarding the court, I beg to state that from one basket to the other is a distance of about 90 feets the end line is four feet back of the basket. There is & center line drawn ecross the middle court called the division lines For your information _ I em having a basketball court sketched with the proper dimensions and am enclosing it herewith. — | Goals are ten fect from the ground. The diagram will explain ail the court mrkingse There is a new basketball backboard— RE 702 45th Street Place Dee Moines, lowe February 27, 1941 Dear Phogs Fred and I have been trying to work out some way to get a Pip-roaring good Kansas meeting up in this country, Last fall we had about 30 out to an Ames luncheon at the Keangae-lIowa State game, We had though this year would be an excellent one for a banner meeting, It would be except for an Advertising Gridiron here in Dee Moines, Several of cur good Kan- gangs are going to spend five bucks for a ticket to go to this when they could come up to Ames and see a cham- piénship game. ven so we will have several couples driving up. I really doubt if we will have enough room in the cars returning to Des Moines to give transportation to very many members of the team, We would certainly like to very much, but the other March Srd entertainment here in Des Moines has cut out our best transportation pos- sibilities. I hope this information is not too late for you to still make satisfactory bus arrangements for getting the team to the train that night after the game at Ames, Ina pinch, we could stare up extra car space from other Des Moines attendants at the game. I will see you there. Surely wish you lote of success at Lincoln, With kind regards g 10h" Sineerely yours, hives, LS ime cc: Fred Ellsworth Merch 3, 1941 Mire John We Slocum State Commission of Revenue & Taxation | State Houvee Topeka, xansas dear Johns After reading your letter of February 3 again i find I did not answer 211 of your questions when you were in the office last Saturday mornings - I heave checked with the members of the Department and learn that the boys fron Seneca may use the swimming pool from 6:00 Pm, to 6:00 P.™, on Tuesday, March 21, A . ife guard will be on hand at that time, As I told you Saturdey morning, Dr. Allen would like toe eat dimer with the Seneoa group, but it is customary that he eat with the boys prior to a game. He is sorry he cannot meet with your boys at thet times About the only time the basketball squad could meet the Seneca group would be on the floor immediately after the gamee ‘he boys will be in seclusion prior to the rames I believe this takes care of your questions, John, and if there is anything further you should like to know, please write us againe Dre Allen greatly appreciates your interest , in the University of FKansase Sincerely yours, Secretary to Dre Forrest Ce Allen VERNON C. ROSENSTAHL, ATTORNEY FRED HORN, SECRETARY “JOHN McCUISH, CHAIRMAN WM. LJUNGDAHL, COMMISSIONER MARC. BOSS, COMMISSIONER BERT E. MITCHNER, DIRECTOR OF REVENUE STATE OF KANSAS STATE COMMISSION OF REVENUE AND TAXATION TOPEKA February 3, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: The definite date for the visit of our Seneca teams will be March 11, the Oklahana A. & M. game. We anpreciate your letter this morning in which you say,"Anyway that you can use me or any of the boys in showing the visitors a good time will always be a pleasure 2 for us. Please command us and tell us what you want done." we 3° We would like to have you as our guest at dinner the h evening of the game; we wuld like to have the privilege of (Xz ty . using the swimming pool approximately three-quarters of an Sit hour, preferably from 4:30 to 5:15 or thereabouts on that yi date; and after the game we would like to have our boys meet some of the players on our K. U. squad if possible. In that we are bringing the first five from each of our high schools, we feel that we will have some K. U. freshman material for next year. Most of the senior class of our public school will attend K. U. next year. This is a result, Dr. Allen, of your splendid Commencement address. last year at Senece High School. Everyone is still talking about the things you said at that time. Thanks a million for your cooperation. JWS/mn P., S. We are sure proud of/our K. U. Basketball Team. CLASS OF SERVICE 1201 SYMBOLS This is a full-rate ee Telegram or Cable- NL=Night Letter am unless its de- erred character is in- LC=Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. R. B. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON J. Cc. WILLEVER > Ship Radiogram f PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination RXKAV78 10=1NDEPENDENCE MO 7 402P - AI MAR 7 Phi 4 2? DR F © ALLEN= ‘CARE KANSAS UNI VERSI TY LAWRENCE KANS= ‘PLEASE RESERVE ME THREE SEATS TONIGHT® LEAVE AT OFFICE THANK $= ROGER SKINNERS® THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE mreh 8 1941 — Mire Dale De Shannon Deputy District Attorney Fort Collins, Colorado Dear Dales Thank you for your delightful letter of the 5th instants I assure you I was more then pleased to hear from — you and to mow that you are in such a splendid positions I am glad that you got some pleasure out of the Saturday Evening Post articles | We lost to oklahoma last night so that lets us out of the championship and our conference season is overs One - of our boys, Sollenberger has glandular fever and will be in the hospital for sometimes I certainly will remember you to Engleman and the rest of the boys, and I certainly want to thank you for writinge You may rest assured that sft am ever around Fort Collins I will make it a point to look you upe You bet, I do remember the track team that won the dual meet at Missouri and how we did eat, and what a good time the gang hades With kindest personal regards and best wishes, I an, Sincerely yours, tirector of Physical Rducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FOAgle © OFFICE OF DALE E. SHANNON DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY HATFIELD CHILSON FOR LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO DISTRICT ATTORNEY, 8TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT FORT COLLINS, COLORADO LOVELAND, COLO. March 5, 1941 Dr, F. CG. Allen Athletic Departme nt University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doe: Last fall Judge Stover with whom I em associated called my attention to the very splendid article published concerning yourself and the K.U. Basket ball team. I have long planned to write you and call to your attention that the report did leave out that you always had a regular pew at the Methodist Church. The K. U. grads here are all excited to see a big six champion- ship this year and I am personally hoping that it comes dow to the University of Kansas and Stanford. Judge Stover's boy attends Stanford. Perhaps we could adjourn from work to see such an exciting game if you will arrange to do your part. Engleman was doing some ushering at the church when I was there at school and I would appreciate your giving my personal regards to these boys--Engleman and some of the rest who ushered at the church and were freshman. With kindest personal regards end wishing the team every success, I am Sincerely yours, hie Bin. Dale E. Shannon. DES : 8H P.S. If you are ever in this country, don't forget thet I would be very happy to have the pleasure of taking you to dinner. Do you still remember the time the tract team won the dual meet at Missouri and the feed we took advantage of at the cafeteria in KG .7 March 10, 194] Prof, Eugene Ae Stephenson 2 Taworth Hall University of Kansas Dear Steves Charles Me Dodd of Iow. State, Ames, asked that I rewember him to youe I was at Iowa State taking & licking in basketball from the cornboys, and Charles Me Dodd asked me te extend his best wishes to you, which I em doing through the mediun of this lettere He seemed like a very nice fellows said he mew you at Rollae Now, Steve, how in the dickens does a fellow like that Imow much ebout youe I told him you were the greatest criver of yarn talls in the United States, end that you came over to our driving range and spend four hours @ day utilizing the benefits and privileges of this yarn ball driving ranges ; He asked me to tell you not to wear yourself out doing ite : Sincerely yours, Direetor of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach : FCAslg JOHN McCUISH, CHAIRMAN WM. LJUNGDAHL, COMMISSIONER MARC. BOSS, COMMISSIONER BERT E. MITCHNER, DIRECTOR OF REVENUE sae Ae, QML terre . VERNON C. ROSENSTAHL, ATTORNEY FRED HORN, SECRETARY STATE OF KANSAS STATE COMMISSION OF REVENUE AND TAXATION TOPEKA Merch 10, 1941 oe f x de wt Af oo ol Ck, be poet Je prs S oe CB Bu Aan ie f Buty a if Ab 2 BiAte ae: Abatitt the Gitte oho An Ge ( ¢ Miss Lauretta Gerstenberger Secretary to Dr. Allen University of Kansas lawrence, Kansas _ Dear Laurettas: Albert Ward, Jr. will contact you tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 or 4 and if there is anything that he may do to help you in your plans in arranging for the boys to have one of the courts and the basketball, he will be very glad to do so. The Seneca men students in the University will meet the boys at the gym and be with them while they are on the campus. Glen Archer, Secretary to Governor Ratner, will come over with me after 5. Earl will probably wish to give the tickets to the boys at the door just before they enter the court. I think that would be the best idea. Thanks a lot. See you all later. : OWS 7mm P. S. You don't know how happy these boys are. Merch il, 1941 Mre and Mrse NeCe Simons General Delivery Tuczon, Arizona Dear Friends: I very much appreciate your thoughtfulness in writing me fran Mineral Wells, Texase Frankly, I am very happy that we lost,under the conditionss it released the boys from a terrific strains All of them, of course, wanted to go on and try for the regional championship. ‘My statement sounds paradoxical I kmow, but I have been so tired of seeing those little fellows matched against those altitudenous giants on the opposition that it really hurt me to see the amout of energy that they would expend to arrive at a victory or near victorye And then they were so afraid for the games coming ups Howard Eigleman, Bobby Allen and TeP.e Hunter, 3 boys weighing but 157 pounds against those opponents really made me feel as if I was torturing them, and yet they wanted to play and it was the best we had under the conditions. So for them to win a tied championship and get their gold championship baslete balls just the same as if they had won the championship outright makes me very happy. Next year we will have bigger men and I believe the shoe’ will be on the othe: foote Some of my opponents will know how it seems to battle height and weight opposition and maybe I can relex a little bite At least I will not feel as if the boys have given their last ounce of energy and devotion for that indefinable souething we call school spirit, and their love to plays When you state that you regret we did not win the championship, of course, you mean a chempionship outright. Iowa State and Kansas are tied for the championship and that is glory enoughe And too, 7 am so fond of Louis Menge, one of my old boys, that I know of no team that I would rather have share it with us than Menze's Town State Teams - I am sorry, lrse Simons, that you do not see axy pronounced tmprovenent yet but It believe with the warm sumshine and the change of general conditions you will see some improvements. At least I am sincerely hoping that that will be tho aac And with your good physician and expert monsicur (Cs), I am sure he wi — a ee eer ee ee ee Mre and Mrse Simons Page 2 Mare 11, 1941 I took your letter hompand read it to Mrse Allen and both of us highly agreed that you two were especially kind to write the letter of commiseration and good wishese We both send both of you our very best and sincerely trust that this trip will not only be a most pleasant one but a profitable one to your health and happiness e _ Sincerely yours, Direetor of Physical nducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FeA:lg Dr 2 of} of | - Di hee ee eee ok 5 ee at ey CLIO} es oles A_2_ LU yr AS a) Lo SAAR aye ee ¢ RAreto & Aa _ : _ | ce oe nae ovr ve P lon Worl ae AR Ae Y¥n-ad QAAA CoA U Log Pa 2 ghost | tthe Nea - 2 & t 4 DibraltMBorcé Ula 4. 4 B DD ep te. alttral-Miverab( Waters % & % 2 4 THERAPEUTIC BATHS n Be ee aN, ee Ny» ie eR ae So A a BS ea odtral Mborab thers ee eS THERAPEUTIC BATH S