Fe ot “Mr, Lester Suhler ss SPECIAL DELIVERY 702 liSth st. Place | Des Moines, Towa Dear Les: Dre Allen has not heard from you and wents to be advised regarding your plans for Monday evenings He will be at the Sheldon- Munn at Ames Sundey end Monday, so please get in touch with hia there at your earliest convenience but not later than Monday noone - If you heve enough alumi cars to haul the squed down from Ames to Des Moines that would be one thing, but if you don't have he naturally mst arrange transportation and must have time to make the arrangements, He went s it made clear that we are not asking this service, It is merely an effort to cooperate with the alumi group in order to bring the squad into touch with the. elumi-- if the alumi want to do it thet way, If this cannot be done eee feel free to sey so, but be sure to let Dre Allen knows And please let me know after it ie all over how every=- thing comes out, Poth Phog and I buzz around here so mech we don't see each other sometimes for quite a spell. And anyhow, I like to have the report from your angle, | “J have just heard thet Be C, Lytton died, I am terribly sorry to hear thet. He was one prince of a fellows Gest 5 —