Alumai Association University of Kansas “February 15, 19h Mre Lester Suhler 702 ~ LOth ft, Pl. Des Meines, Towa Dear Lester; We like your progressive Ideas. I just celled Phog Allen and he is willing and happy to cooperate with you, Here is the situation on the trevel plans, The team will go from Lincoln, Nebreska direotly to Ames on Sunday, Mareh 2. if you are going to have a crogd at the game, says he, why don't you arrenge to heul the Fee hn to Des Moines and then meet with them some place to eat a bite and cheer for Kel.» They don't leave Des Moines until about 12 o'clock at night, The | mo can arrenge ite own transportation but you and the other alumni would be privileged to haul any or all of the tean you want to, This looks like a neat plan to me, #Whet say you?. You ean get your tickets better by writing for them directly from the Ames Athletic office, erties oo FE: fb Secretary CC # Phog Alien TEE RESET ER AMER OEE ae Sp ARBRE Es SSE ToD EE a Ss > RE