February 8 1941 Miss Helen Ge Sau Director, Physical Education for Women > Kansas State College Pardon my delay in answering your cammmication of the first instante My administrative work and basketball coaching have prevented me from doing soe | i find that on Friday, March 28 I have en engagenent at the Wyandotte High School for a basketball banquet at 6:00 P.M., and on the 29th the National Collegiate Basketbell Championship Tournament will be played in Kansas Citys therefore, I fear that it will be impossible for me to participate in your panel discvesione Could you send me a schedule or progrem, and if it is during _ the day on the 28th I will endeavor to do the very best I can to help youg however, I am very much afraid of my time being too shorts Thank you for asking me and regretting the conflicts, I am, Sincerely yours, Direetor of Physical Education and Kecreation Varsity Sasketball Coach — ! WMAslg