January 5, 1941. Forrest ©, Allen 801 Louisiana Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog, I would appreciate it a lot if you would turn in your present season pass in exchange for the new one Which is inclosed. The old pass can be left with either the cashier or the doorman, I trust that you will find time to use this pas often. Kindest personal regards, Alen poburefa Stan Schwahn. GRANADA - DICKINSON «© PATEE +* VARSITY MANAGED BY LAWRENCE CITIZENS FOR THE ENTERTAINMENT OF THE CITIZENS OF LAWRENCE : e eee pps Pea polices see am a aS AS er bee cay er caNe Ta i as % : ete = ee ‘ a 2 a y Selig ne Sa eee ae By othe eS £ eS ee. eile Hom di 4 Sees