November 30, 1940 Mro Johnny Sabo 339 Sheridan Road Winnetia, Illinois ‘Dear Johnny: : I am happy to comply with your request and I am sending a carbon copy of the letter written Dre Eversull in your behalf. I assure you that anything that I can do for you will be cheerfully dones With all good wishes to you and your family, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and. Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach THE oniveleiee sr VERMONT | BURLINGTON, VERMONT Office of the Graduate Manager ‘ Dew 8/90 Mheaas Le. Io >, a ee aA fr ; Ta Pret EL, \ ; a i : 2G at ‘ eae eee get cea a tae an ce a ic else Ss ah cha call oi ys a I 5) i sg 3 sas tlag ila Sas Be ae gan EAC i can a pe ee a ae tere WR Ri aoe saat Samer (ema Seis A Bee NIELS a ie CLA aa i ues pest toe a) Larger E12 rec Ek ee lKh Vite erL HO 4 Cong | fly, Oar, bet Mu hte 2 B goo PKs Jhreded : a is pe SSS ape Ba ? "em ferred ane AE SS thy MON ee. te December 7, 1940 Mre Wallace Swanson President KClub AeTe0o House Menhettan, Kansas Dear Wallace: I had already made the date with you and your K-Club before our Football panquet was sets for that reason i am not expecting to attend the Football Banquet this year and am expecting to keep my appointment with yous You may count on my being present at. the time and place you have selected. I assure you it will be a Pleasure to meet with you and your organizations Thanking you for your thoughtfulness in writing me, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach Farle Kansas State College Manhattan, Kansas Dec. 6, 1940 De. FF. -+ Alien AAthletic Director Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas D ear Dr. Avllen While reading the Kansas City Times thés morning I noticed that the K. U. anual Football banquet is Dee..16. Knowing that you always enjoy meeting with a graup of young athletés and especially since this is on the K.University campus I wondered if it would interfear with our engagement? In regard to our date 211 ready set. I would like to know for sure if you will be able to come. If you won't be able to be present on the set date, here are a few other open for us, Dec. 11 and 12, in the evenings or any day after the Christmas holidays. We are still very interested in your appearance Before our organization so will be glad to work with you on different dates. ‘Mall vardTr! Wallace Swanson President K-Club December 9, 1940 Mre MeRe Smith City Passenger Agent MissourieKansas-Texas Railroad — 1027 Grand Avenve > Kansas City, Missouri Dear Mre Smiths We are very glad to send you several copies of our basketball schedule for 1940-4], and are enclosing them herewiths Thanking you for your good wishes, I em, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAgig Bruce R. Morton, DIVISION PASSENGER AGENT RAYMOND JOHNSON, CITY TICKET AGENT M. R. Smita, CITY PASSENGER AGENT MISSOURI-KANSAS-TEXAS RAILROAD COMPANY PassENGER TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT 1027 GRAND AVENUE, KANSAS CITY, Mo. Dec 7th, 1940 File 35 Dr. F.C. Allen, Phy Director, University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansase Dear Dr Allens Will you please be so kind as to mail me a few copies of your basketball schedule for 1940-41 and greatly oblige. With best wishes for the Holiday season. Sincerely yours Lege Fide a Kk City Pas senger tee GRANADA + DICKINSON + PATEE + VARSITY December 10, 1940 Ferrest Cc. Allen, Director ef Physical Education and Recreation, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Forrest, It seems that everything I de in yeur opinion is Wrenge I guess I'm just built that way. As far as the netice that was sent yeu regarding my contract ebli- gations with Paramount on Nerthwest Mounted Police, this pessibly should have gone eut earlier as yeu Suggested. The reasen that it didn't was due te the fact that I have been working shert handed witheut an assistant other than my secretary, have been out of tewn mest ef the time on business, and I was cenfined te my heme for a ceuple ef weeks fer abselute rest because I have been over working fer the past several menths., The fact ef it is, I was unable toe get away frem my office before three and four ecleck every merning since Sept. 1st. Really, Dec, a netice sheuld not have been nec= essary simce it specifically states on the pass that it is good at regular priced motion picture performances enly and yeu sheuld have been aware of the fact that Nerthwest Meunted Pelice was not & regular priced motion picture but carried an increased price. I carried this advance in prices extensively in all my advertising, As te yeur statement that the pass was marked “sood anytime" and that I evidently, in your ewn werds, “missed the beat", I want te peint eut te yeu that this anytime refers definitely te the days of the week since the pass states it is net good Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, or midnight shows, Naturally, I assumed that everything was perfectly clear te yeu since it is dewn in black and White, I. am indeed sorry there was this misunderstanding en your part Which caused yeu te write me a letter with ceonsid- erable ireny playing me dewn, Kindest personal regards and seasens greetings, es MANAGED BY LAWRENCE CITIZENS FOR THE ENTERTAINMENT OF THE CITIZENS OF LAWRENCE ; Deeember 12, 1940 If and when it is convenient, you may mail me a check for $6.00 to cover my travel expenses to the Citys (7 afte Director of Physical Pdueation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FOAsig Decenber 12, 1940 Mire Wallace Swanson President, KeClub AsTeOe Hovse Tear Wallaces I noticed in the Kansas City Times where I . @m to speak to your KeClub om Friday night. Of course, your letter of Desceuber 1 and my acknowledgement states that I will be there Monday night, December 16, at 7:30 Pelisg 101 Willard Hall in place of 115. I fully realize it is net nesessary for me to ‘write this notation, but since we were confused regarding the first date, I thought it best not to take any chancese For that reason I am writing you a second letter to assure you that I will be with you on Monday, December 16 at 7330 P.M. Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach Prot. Guy Ve Smith 205 Frank Strong. University of Kansas Dear Guys i am sending some which should make the the peteea Gate cna our playing in the NeVelede Tournament and the returns therefrome Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAsig . December 12, 1940 Dean Frank Te Stockton School ef Business University of Kansas Dear Franks -_ I @m sending some correspondence to you which should make the picture complete regarding our playing in the N.CeAcd, Tournament and the returns therefrone Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Reereation _ Varsity Basketball Coach — MAsig 1430 Fairchild Ave. Menhattan, Kansas Dec. 13, 1440 Dear Dr. A&allen Your date of Bec. 16th is correct for your speaking @ngagment. And at Willard lol, at 7:50p.m. The papers engagment date is incorrect. So will be seeing you next Monday evening. Sincerely (Uae voor A. ~ aa. December 15, 1940 Profe DeHe Spencer 207 Bailey Chemistry Lab. University of Kansas Dear Prof, Spencers Confirming ee ae - yesterday I an ject speech = soe ni9 at 11450, "Physical Pelase Bar Effieiencyo" I will remember that the last ten minutes of the time is to be given over to the class regarding the itinerary of the trip they contemplates Sincerely yours, Director of sateen Bducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach December 16, 1940 Miro Tom Sweeney, President Peoples State Bank Dear Toms I beg to aclnowledgs receipt of the return of an instrument dated June 15, 1940, fer end in bemif of Fred Harris, dre , _ Fred came into my office Saturday and showed me the canceled note. I am very proud of him thet he could discharge his om obligations on time and I an sure that such acts as this tend to build up confidence in him by youe Sincerely yours, . Director of Physical ‘Education and Recreation * Varsity Basketball Coach FOAglg - Professor Yne Shannon School of Business University of Kansas ‘Dear Professor Shannong It is a pleasure for me to do what little I can in helping you attain vour Lieutenancy of the Supply Corp&. If there is anything that I can do at eny time to help, please emmand mee With kindest personal regards, I an, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach WAsig Deeenber 20, 1940 _ Coach Welle Scheerer 587 Prospect Avenue Sarasota, Florida Dear Coach Sheerers I am very happy that you have had good success in the defeating of the zone defenses It was a pleasure to work with you and i assure you I had as much fum at Atlanta as I have had at ,school I have coachede Iam glad that you moved up from Edison with\a fine We have a film from the Teaching Films Division in our Visual Instruction Department, entitled Basketball Fundamentalse I am not sure which one I showed at Atlanta, but if it was a none talkie movie, it was our Basketball Fundamentals, consisting of two reelse I show this to my class and I think it is a wonderful film for teaching funtamentals. : This film may be rented from the Bureau of Visual Instruction, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase ‘The rental fee is $2.00 plus _ transportatione If you will kindly write these people they will be glad to send you the filme I have just talked with Ire Fred S. Montgonery, Secretary of the Bureau of Visual Instruction, and he tells me the film will not be available until about the 28rd-or 24th of Januarye The films are much in demand, so it would be well for you to write then ahead of timee : If the film you speak about was a movieetalkie, that was made by Chuck Taylor of Converse, and since I have nothing to do with it, I would not lmow where to tell you to writee This film also showed John Bunn, Claire Bee, George Koegan, Dave Melfillan and Dre Carlone It was an advere tising stunt for Converse but I thoucht a good movie-talkie, Wishing you all sorts of good luck and the best for the Yuletide, I amy Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach : MAslg H. E. MCNABB, PRESIDENT Cc. T. TOLBERT, VICE-PRESIDENT DWIGHT KEITH, SEcY.-TREAS. ALBANY ATLANTA Georgia Athletic Coaches Association ORGANIZED 1938 AN \% 751 PARK DRIVE, N. E. ATLANTA, GA. DISTRICT DIRECTORS 1939-1940 | JSF Protpeet Give — AN tetmiben 14. 1946 W. W. SCHEERER EDISON pune = fe Fe? fe Ji ie oth Home wmermee OL bes Glavrebeel” HOMER SUTTON DALTON ——_ Alea AInv GO Alen N. R. HAWORTH CANTON R. E. LEE ELBERTON R. L. DOYAL SELBY BUCK For the Advancement of Athletics in the State of Georgia | Dear Mre Selkonitas Enclosed is a -basketball schedule for this year which you requested in your post ecard of regent date. We hope it may be possible for you to see the Fordham-Kansas game in Madison Square Garden on December 28, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg ERe Oly ; oa, Sas z\ | ie \ 79407 (THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS ] li- AM x December 24, 1940 Mre John Slocum State Commission of Revenue and Taxation Topeka, Kansas Dear Johns I took your good letter of December 17 in to Mre “arl Falkenstien and made strong intercession for the Seneca High School Basketball Team to be invited to one of our games as guests of the Athletic Associations . 2 The Uhiversity has always made a special low price to high school basketball and football teams. Of course, the football situation has been easy to handle because even though they did not charge the high school boys they had plenty of seats. It is different with basket= | balle Just about the time we desire to invite a few high school boys, then everybody wants to cone and we have to cut it off. There have been times when Vyandotte, Tovelm, and a few of the boys close by, have been asked ing just an especially picked crewe Sometimes they pay a small charge and other times they have gotten in because they were football playorse Some coaches desired to get certain high school boys here by subsidizing even the rule regerding a smali prices : But you and your Seneca High School boys are going to be dif» ferent because you have been such a loyal alumnuse farl has agreed to have the 12 that you pick as our guests, without any charge, to any game except the Missouri gam@ée He wovld like to have you then, but there will be no seats available the way it looks. I am sending you a schedule and you pick out any game but the Missouri game, and let Farl know ahead of time and he will take care of yous I asked him to write you and I mow he will. i am alse writing Earl so there will be a double chetke _ I want you to lmow how much I appreciate your deep loyalty for your school and the teams ea . | With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation . FCAslg Varsity Basketball Coach . JGHN HcCUISH, CHAIRMAN WM. LJUNGDAHL, CommISSIONER MARC. BOSS, COMMISSIONER BERT E. MITCHNER, DIRECTOR OF REVENUE VERNON C. ROSENSTAHL, ATTORNEY FRED HORN, SECRETARY STATE OF KANSAS STATE COMMISSION OF REVENUE AND TAXATION : TOPEKA December 17, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Dean of the School of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allen: I would like to know if it would be possible to make some kind of an arrangement for our Seneca High Boys Basketball Team to see ae Big Six game this year. We do have some fellows on the team that may be good “prospects for college material. Even though we didn't, I would like to have them all see K. U. play. Last year, I am not positive however, I believe there waa several high school teams guests or “partial guests" of the University for one game and seats were placed back and to the north side of the goal. There probably would be twelve boys. Could you let me know as soon as possible if any such arrangement could be made? Thank you very much. wg GM 3,09 rem Lhe OS os ohn Slocum December 24, 1940 Miss Irene Spitzmann c/o Refugees Committee 39 Ancens Square Glasgou, Scotland Dear Miss Spitzmanns . : Miss Jane Byrn, formerly a dance teacher here at the University of Kansas, send your letter of June 17, 1940 to me through the mail. Miss Byrn was married last spring and she has not been with us for a years however, I am sorry that I am so late in writing youe I am sorry to tell you there is no opening for a scholarship of this kind here at the University of Kansase It would be | pleasure for us to help you if there was any possible ways . I do want you to mow that we have great sympathy and feeling for you in your unhappy. situations The American mind is very sympathetic for you people who have such a longing to improve yourselves. if at any time there is an opportunity for us to help you we will be glad to do soe It looks as: if we may be . definitely drawn into this cataclysm as our desire is to help England repress the tyrants. Be of good cheer and high courage; things will cane out all right in the long runs Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Rducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAsig |