Columbia, temoseeo ale ‘onference Dear Brother ‘Sloane aie ihak teVtald We SUA tah eth wing tae Ee {ile tae Wlll iNiblvee utah sovreopenmeang lace sho tee ace tibkap was writtens I had several coaching eshools during the sumer and I ~ ~ laid your letter aside thinking thet I would answer it laters As my mail increased, I find that some of the letters that I had expected to answer imuediately were pushed back for other matters that demanded prompt attentions After I returned to town I failed to get caught up on my wpa eacraniss I am apologising for my negligences : : . i ‘smaik Sak ta Baily, Mowe: ‘nt Weter. Witey 4s here and I believe he is learning © greet deal as he seems tremendously de He has not said anything about desiring work. Neturally we have so many boys looking for work that unless e fellow pesters us about it we never worry a great deale I will make it a point to discuss — some of these problems with Wiley. I hed forgotten what you had emphasized until I again read over your letter todaye I am chairman of the Community Chest drive, and this with the YMCA drive,in addition to my ether work have kept me extrenely busye I en leaving today for Toledo, Ohie to address the Ohio High School Athletic Association in connection with their teachers conventions On Saturday I will be in Chicago to watch the Minnesota-llorthwestern games Then on the 7th I go to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to speak to the Wisconsin Teachers and = Wisconsin high school football and basketball coachese I omly mention these fects to let you lmow that I have been much on the move most of the sumer and fall, and if there has been any justifiable excuse in not answering your letter, it is because I have not boon able to etay at my desk long enough to got’ the job donee Some of the Phi Psi's ‘told me of meeting you, and I had to confess thet I was one of those guilty souls who bad not acknowledged your lettere I do want you to know that I appreciate your kindness very very muche Again thanking you and Assuring you that 1 did not knowingly show euch « eons tesy, be &: heotnee, in, Fraternalily _— Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach Kansas Alpha, *08