F.W.HOSFORD, TRUST OFFICER IRVING HILL, PRESIDENT WACSEWAAL Kees Chouiow ¢|.J.MEADE, EXECUTIVE VICE PRES. ASaretelSTORFiGns GEO.D.WALTER,VICE PRES. W. E.DECKER, ASST. CASHIER J.D.BOWERSOCK ,VICE PRES. A.D.KOLTERMAN, ASsT.CASHIER GEO.W.KUHNE, CASHIER CAPITAL, SURPLUS & UNDIVIDED PROFITS ONE QUARTER MILLION LAWRENCE, KANSAS November 25, 1940, Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of _ Physical Education & Recreation Varsity basketball Coach University of sansas Lawrence, Kansas | Ke: 4=H Club and Vocational Agricultural Achievement Banquet, Hotel Eldridge Friday, November 29th, 6:30 P.Me subject: Achievement vear Doctor Allen:-= For your information 1 have made the following inquiry: The 4-H Club idea was begum in Douglas County in 1924. soon after that the Douglas County Hankers Ass'n, recognized the value of 4-H Club work, giving an achievement banquet to all youngsters who had completed their project. This has been repeated from year to year by the Association and this year the 135th annual banquet is being givene There are eleven clubs in the county with a total of 291 memberse ‘the clubs are under the auspices of the follow- ing people: Deal six, County Farm Agent, who came here in 1935 Vera Morgan, Home Demonstration Agent, who came here Nov. 1,1940 irene Slavens, Uffice secretary, employed since Jan. 1, 1940 The clubs are under the direct supervision of boys! leaders and girls! leaders and in some cases commmity leaders who live in the ommmity where each club is located. These leaders are very often home boys and girls who graduated from 4-H Clubs themselves. in other cases they are men and women who are will- ing to sacrifice of their time in order to aid in the work. ‘the age limit for membership is from 10 to 20 years of age. ‘ithe projects are in livestock, dairy and beef calves, swine, sheep and poultry. in crops we find wheat,cormy oats, sorghum, potatoes, tomatoes and general garden. Many clubs have food projects in the preparation and preservation of fruit and vegetables. In clothing the girls learn how to creat an attractive ensemble at a very low cost. Hoom improvement and house keeping are also taught to the girlse in the spring of each year they have what they calla County Festival. At that time the clubs compete in conducting a meeting. Each officer observes parlia- mentary rules, becomes very efficient in his position and motions from the floor must be in order before being recognized by the Chair. Usually a l-Act play is given; chorus and instrumental misic is demonstrated with a short period for recreation. 1 have been asked to be a judge at some of these contests and they are very interesting to witness. +