I. Desenber 30, 1937» lie John We Summ, Director of Basketball, ‘Stenford University, — Californias Dear Jolms Thank you for sending mo a page of the stationery of the Netional Association of Basketball Coaspes, whieh gives the officers end ¢hairacn of the various camsitvteess In regard to the possible meeting of Kansas end Stanford, I bald nob have brought 4% up only for the the fact that Ralph Miller ceme imto my office and stated that on your ee ee ne ee stated that you wanted to meet kansas in basketball, and he cane in and asked me to write yous — i quite agros that both of us are pretty well beseiged for gues for the future, and neither of us would be. especially free uatil 1941, —o '4]1 series in en expectant mamer.s it will be ontirely agreeable to us, if we can together on a date, for us to receive the same guarentee as you received back here, mamely 364. Lét's make it even money « would not want the 98¢. | With every good wish for « happy and prosperous 23 New Year, I an — J Sincerely yours, Varsity Basketball Coach,