Lansing, Kansas Sept. 5, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University Of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I am working hard to get a physical education job with the government and there is a very good one open at this time. It is a position which is mainly recreation for the mentally ill in some government hospital. My qualifications are perfect because I have my Master's Degree in Physical Education. I think I will need a good boost in some way to get the job. I am wondering if you would write a good recommendation for me and send it to Bhe United States Civil Service Commission or maybe it would be better to write Senator Capper. I know it would help'a lot. Our school has not opened here as yet due to the great number of cases of infantile paralysis. It seems that Leavenworth . has several new cases every day. I certainly enjoyed your sessions at the coaching school and I really obtained some very valuable information. Well, Dr. Allen, I would appreciatecanything you might do _ to help me get this position. Thanking you very much. I remain as ever- Yours very ae Cue ae (rorlwong, ~ ss Raymond Swanson