Soi We have but one copy of tes Sidinimctaane tastetnata Cdn, tl Sk Ua comet Wy ee a Collegiate Athletic Associae tione I sent this one copy to Mess Alice KK. Griffith for her ine spections less she will return the same in @ very short whiles Doubt as Uarold Olsen is Chairman of the Besketball Comittee, and ee at ce aes ck ek eee I believe that Harold would not want to pass it out to different groups for a showing wiless there was some definite conmnstion with the National Collegiatee Frankly, Schabie, the pictures are not clear, and although the phing might have been the best that the operator could do on Se ee oe a ae ee We saw some of Chuck's work on the Southern California-Rice game, and wane Ge with the Indiana take, end ours are not so goods However, if you feel that this is a special eecasion, I would ‘take the responsibility and send them to this fellow, but I would rather not unless it wae e special favor to yous. I think Ole knows you well Se ee @ regular practices — Branch MeCracken had the films for a while, then Ole had them, ind Cis ab GA Seen 40 Oh Slade GK Salibene Metnotiats ‘I have been wanting to have them here for a showing, but just as soon ag they arrived we miled them to Mree Griffithe So our boys have not had a chance to ‘ea Ge eee cate ea oe ae But perhaps it is just as well because semeone has said they “just can't get Indiana off their minds", and mybe this would not do them any goode With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, i ' Director of seystenh 1 Education and Reereation FCAslg Varsity Basketball Coach