Basketball Educational Bureau 209 South State Street : Republic Building : Chicago, Illinois : Telephone Harrison7025 CONDUCTED IN THE INTEREST OF LAST-BILT PRODUCTS A. A. Schabinger, Director October 21, 19l.0 Mre Forrest ©. Allen, aaah Director of Physical Education and Recreation Ae re es fi Varsity Basketball Coach, vee 5 pe fe University of Kansas, syle” Cie Lawrence, Kansas a tie pee 2 j » Be aoe / Vv Kou : i 7 Dear "Phog"; \ Thank you for your kind offer to send the Kansas-Indiana Ae eeeeas aD ae Cleveland for their Officials meeting on Qovember 17th)as a special favor to mee i appreciate this very much. You will be interested to know that their Officials Association holds their meeting that day and while visiting in Cleveland they requested me to see if they could not get this film. However, 1 can very well see your point of view in not wanting to send it to everyone requesting it, and believe we will just let them get along without it. Congratulations on your fine basketball schedule. lI was very much interested in receiving the copye Sorry I am not near where I might be able to work some games for youe Best wishes for your continued success. Sincerely yours, AAS: gd A. Ae Schabinger a”