504 Hast 9th, Kinsley, Kansas. April &, 1940, Dre F. C. Allen Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear "Doc? May I at this time offer my congratulations for the wonderful season you have just completed. It seems that each year you add to your already enviable record. It burned me to the very quick to read in the papers about the"Allen Luck", After taking a little basketball under you and having several courses from you I know that there is more to your coaching record than mere luck, Anyway, from one that understand, congratulations. The reason for this letter is to let you know about my first year out. I had a fairly successful year in football, winning all but three games. In basketball, I finished in a tie for third. But there is an interesting story connected with my basketball season. lor the past three years Kinsley has had a very poor record and the blame has been placed on the temperament of the boys. At the close of football season I thought I could talk to the boys and try to get at the root of the trouble. The season started and I could see what the people meant. We lost the first four games. Then I got out your "Better basketball" book and thumbed the pages in quest of the answer for my problem. I found it on page 101 in the form of a poem entitled "Courage". I went to the print shop and some copies made and put them up in the dressing room for the boys to read. From that day on we lost but one game and ended the season with the best record of any team in the league for the last half of the season, I also used your technique of talking to the boys in a dark room just before the start of the game and the boys all admitted after the season was over that this was responsible for their improved playing. When I was having this trouble at the beginning of the season, Marion said"Dr. Allen would probably have and answer for this", You gave me the answer in your book, Next year I am to coach at Stafford. They have been having out- standing teams the last four or five years and I feel quite fortunate in getting the job. We will open the season with Wichita Hast. I must close now but I wanted to write and congratulate you on your season. I hope you have many more just like it. Give my regards to Mrs, Allen. Very truly yours, nee. Mano We. Stukey.