— HOME OF HART SGHAFFNER & MARK CLOTHES 5522 WILSHIRE BLVD. 615 WEST SEVENTH $T. HOOVER & JEFFERSON April 24 1940 SIXTH AND BROADWAY University of Kansas Lawrence Kansas Attention Mr F C Allen Dear Mr Allen: Thanks very much for your letter of April 19 inquiring about the train shirts that we furnished for USC. We regret that we do not have in stock a USC shirt with the emblem on it that we could send you. However, we are forwarding under separate cover the same quality in blue, which is $6.25 including emblem, also one of a cheaper quality at $4.00 including em- blem. Within a few days we shall send you a knit and fulled cloth shirt for your inspection, the price of which is $6.25 including emblem. The emblem that USC had was a silk embroidered one and it is necessary to make these in quantities. Therefore, we do not have a sample on hand. We hope you will be able to make a selection from the shirts, and that we may be privileged to serve you. Please give my regards to Hobbs Adams. Cordially yours, Con itbaes R J Hendry