Hays, “ansas May, 9,1940, Dr. Forrest C.Allen, Lawrence, Kansas, Kind Friend; No doubt you will be somewhat surprised to get this. Since our misfortune in losing Don,my wife has been traveling with me and this leaves Jack entirely on his own, We were in Lawrence last week- end and he seems to be worrying a great deal,due to the fact that he has,as yet,been unable to make any connections for the next school term, He has always been quite a boy for home environment and of course he misses Don a lot. Al- together it is pretty hard on him and he is so anxious to get located before next fall. _ I have wondered if you could find time to talk to him sometime,as 1 know it would help him a lot and I wiil certainly appreciate it. He has a world ot confidence in you ana if you could assist in getting him placed for next term he will be very grateful, I trust this is not asking too much,altho I know you are awfully busy at this time, Perhaps it will be just as well if you don‘t tell Jack I wrote to you, Thanking you in advance for any help you can offer and also for past courtesies I beg to remain, with kindest personal regards, ery truly yours, / Lloyd Sands Box 703 Hays, Kansas