: February 14, 19358. Ceci Wheat hs teabbeking. Chihuahua Chih, Mexicoe Dear Coach Seldivar: Thank you for your wire of the 12th instant inviting the University of Kansas basketball team to Play your team in Chihuahua in Marche This will con- firm my wire replying that it would be impossible for our team to came on accoumt of eligibility rulese ha healt Stee On ceheiie ‘waeh inion es to be played during the Christmas holidays. if you could arrange such a possibility I lmow that our tean would enjoy it and wo would be a source drawing a good crowl. Would you write me concerning such a possibility? We appreciate your invitation to play your team in March, and regret that it is impossible for us to get away at this time of the year, I thought my letter to Coach Ochoa made it clear that we could not enter the tournament, and em sorry for the misunderstanding. | I ghall be glad to hear from you regarding the Gedatene weak echedeieg Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coache