660 KILOCYCLES OMAHA, NEBRASKA WORLD-HERALD BUILDING TELEPHONE AT 2228 VERNON H_ ‘BING SMITH, MGR. February 29, 1940 Dre Fe Ce Allen University of Kansas lawrence, Kansas Dear Does I understand your team is to play Creighton here in Omaha Monday night of next week. — As you probably know, Ronnie Ashburn is now with KOWH, and each weekday night from 5:30 to 5:45 Ronnie conducts his program of sportse We would like to have you appear on Ronnie's program next Monday. I hope you can accept, and that you'll write me that we may expect youe KOWH is lecated on the top floor of the world Herald Buildinge With kindest regards, I am Sincerely, A A vhs/vho vernon He "Bing" Smith