THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND AND PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY FRANK O. LOWDEN, JAMES E. GORMAN, JOSEPH B. FLEMING TRUSTEES S. L. MEADE GENERAL AGENT 1200 FIDELITY BUILDING PHONE VICTOR 3900 KANSAS CITY, MO. August 5th, 1939, Dr. F,C,Allen, Basket Ball Coach, Kansas University, Lewrence, Kans. My dear Phog; I was very glad to get your letter of July 28th, and delay in answering was due to the boy being out of tom. However, he is "tickled to death" with the prospect, and it is his hope end ambition that arrangements can be made for him to enter the Kansas University. : He has @ brother who weighs approximately 235 lbs, about 6 ft 2 inches in height who played 2 years foot balliin Junior College and 2 years in High School who has been in correspondence with some of the Athletic people, and later on, his father with the two boys and possibly myself, are coming over, and if possible would like to meet you at your office, i want them to see where I got my teeth knocked out with a rope in the Gymasiunm, I know you are going to be delighted with the prospects of this boy, and I know he is going to develop into one of your great players, to be the nucleus around 4 great team. Mour kind offer was certainly appreciated by my Boss, Mr, Steve Meade,who expressed his deep appreciation, and I think, without @ doubt every effort will be made for the boy to go to your great ROUTE OF THE “ROCKETS” THE “GOLDEN STATE LIMITED" TO CALIFORNIA “ROCKY MOUNTAIN LIMITED" TO COLORADO AIR CONDITIONED THROUGHOUT