Salina CHinie W. E. SMITH, BUSINESS MANAGER MISS JOSEPHINE PARSONS, R. N., CLINIC NURSE L. S. NELSON, M. D. MISS MAUDE DUNN, SECRETARY K. L. DRUET, M. D. PORTER BROWN, M. D. MISS FRANCIS BERTSCHE, B. S., TECHNICIAN GEO. E. STAFFORD, M, D. SUITE 408 FARMERS UNION BLDG. Salina, ‘Kansas July 8, 1929. Mr. Raymond Swanson, Randolph, Kansas. Dear Mr. Swanson: I have your letter of July 6 with reference to your application for Junior High School Coach. I have con- sulted Mr. Hawks, the Superintendent, with reference to this matter and know that he has your application on file and has it under consideration. I, of course, was able to tell him that, while I did not know you, Dr. Allen must feel rather highly in your regard or he would not have suggested that you write to me, because I am not even a member of the school board here. There are a number of very fine applications and yours among them is to be considered. Those who seem to be the best qualified will be asked to come in for an interview, and I, therefore, can give you that information, that if you receive a request to come in for an interview, you will know that you are on the favorable list, and I should be glad to meet you if it transpired that you were invited to come. Hoping that you will receive the appointment and hoping also that your success will be paramount in that position, providing you are selected, and with kind regards, I am, Sincerekyryours, Laurence S. Nelson,’ M. D. LSN:MG