O porter ard, 0 plaseet | paw Se Le Clash 2208 Lathrop Chas Jay lig | August 7, 1938 Bow? s che erent inventor can dayse Saw snes of the game in the Star a Sunday or two ago and it luoks like vee have invented the ome or tne tuturee In fact I don"t see why Grover Wheaien and you,sthe two greatest promoters in the worlu, vondaad get together ana put this gauwe on exhipition at the World's Faire Tue caption of the advertisement coulu read something like, “ladies ana Gentlement, Come One Yome All ana Witness the Game or the Future", Then put in their somewhere that their children wa chilaren's ohiluren would someday play tnis game in preferance to eating Sear Wheaties. Anyway | Doce the game does sound Like ‘it has posse iysiblities ana I have heard consicerable comment abut ite (The comment has been good) : : Dee I have been a bond salesman, a collector of contrie ikaeine for the Boy's Yormitory at the University for the Badowent Asenes and now I ama ese time elevator operator at the Brovharhood Bldge I have really been pevplened about saat what I have wanted to do. Have been going around the employment ageneies today looking for some openings. ‘Believe that L will ty avec work, do you remember that you called me your personnel manages well anyway L have been using that as my previous experience in this ahs i have. several leads —_ mr been trying to follow chem ips Ran into a lawyer shat told me that = panied oa company in KG, Moe had gone quite extensively inte the a tt field. I: was wondering whether you imew anye one over their that I wiehs talk to sued this worke | : : Dece I have a funny idea about ‘employment since working in nie offices Tea know that ye bond selling or insurance work I can't put _ lueh effort out hecemes 1 don't feel as if I am doing a real services This personnel work I palkaee is the one that will be the job of ‘tomorrow for labor