"THE EPIC OF BASKETBALL" ANNX: MUSIC: ANNX: NARRATOR : GULICK;: VOICE 1: . VOICE 2: GULICK: NAI: GULICK: NAT: GULICK: NAT: Tonight, The Department of Physical Education of the University of Kansas, GRAh the conpeletion oF the Cbeis beinec you the dramatizes ieee of basketball, as told by its inventor, Dr. James Naismith, of the Univer- sity. Characters in the dramatic scenes will be portrayed by members of the K-Club, the organization of lettermen of the athletic department. FADE And here is your narrator, Dr. Naismith, inventor of basketball. Good evening, friends. We are going to re-create a few scenes from the history of basketball, showing its development from a YMCA spert to a world-wide popular form of recreation. The story of basketball goes back to the fall of 1891. Iwas an instructor in the YMCA college in Spring- field, Mass. (START FADING) At a faculty meeting, Dr. Gulick, the di- rector of the college, is speakinge (Fading in) Gentlemen....It is a serious problem which we face! We tre hetse Tous | getting nowhere, now that the football season is over. (anid of voices) Dre Gulick.....We've tried our level best’ The mob of boys you assigned us is the most unruly group I've ever seene The whole point of our trouble ise..s..They'’ve gotten fed up with continual gymnastics during the cold season. It's too long a time between football and baseball periods. And we have no suitable indoor sporte Mr. Williams is right, docters We've tried indoor football, but it's not : practical. It's too rough. And the football boys don't go for the on ot lighter games..-Like lacrosse..and soccer§ They're lesing Be ey hed jot (Quiets undertone with gavel) Well...Gontlemen...Bear with it a while longer, please! Mcanwhile, I've an idca that might be developed. (Pause) If therets no other business, wo'll adjourn the meeting until next week. (Noise) Mr. Naismith.e.If you have a moment, I'd like to speak with yous yhr geting JRE Why, certainly, sir. (Noise Fades)\) JimeeeseI'm going to assign that class of boys to youek You've been protiry good at devising new forms of recreation. Well, siresseeI don't lmow how well I'd be able to handle thom, but I can trye Why don't you work on that new idea of yours?esee»eYou spoke to me the other day about adapting football and soccer and figuring out a new in- Goor BaMCeeecee Well.....There's not so very much to it yet, Dre Gulicks.ssHoweve>. Ifill try and work it oute (Door opens) I've some work to do in my of 7icCoes.