VOICE: Gas (Fade In) And nows.ssHore is the Inventor of BasketballisssThe man whose inventive genius produced a game which has helped bring the world together in friondly convotition. Dr. James Naismith, of the United States of Amer icaee.e(Cheers ) DR. NAISMITH: Friends of Basketball.....I'm oxtromely sorry that all of you BNNX: cannot understand mée..-l fear there arc only two teams who know what I shall saye In olympic basketball compotition, I see a great and far- reaching factor in the preservation of world peace and good wills Here we have teams from China and Japan playing in friendly competition. Hero we have brothorly rivalry between the Englishman ond the ArabessWo As- semble on the Olympic field to see which one of us is Uae bedtenstt courso only one of us can claim superiority, but the cementing of good fellow- ship is far more important than a golden cup! My fond hope is that the friendly attitudes existing betwoen opposing players will grow. (Start Fading) I am still astounded to realizo that my game, started to keep a few rowdy gym students in place, has grown to command such an important place in the promotion of good will among the youth of the worlde (Music, starting softly as sesnets fades, up to Climax!) You have heard the dramatized story of basketball, as told by its in- ventor, Dre James Naismith, of tho University of Kansas. Characters in the dramatic scones were portrayed by members of the K-Club, the organ- ization of Lottermen of the Athletic departmente The following K-Mon participated in tonights broadcast: