sna ne rege tr Des ee SP ¢ i- is TP ODAGP RPO 1 OP OH te OD SS 08 8S OE SE Se Se ee eee eese eee eres : STRYKER GETS PROMOTION.® * John A. Stryker of North * * Platte, Nebr., publicity man- © % Ted Harmon Rodeo Company * %” has been given a promotion * ” in military ranks since com- % “ ing to Mound City. Business * “ men and friends persist in ad- * % dressing him as Col., and in % * other towns where the rodeo ¥ “ has shown, he states he has % ™ been just “Captain” Stryker. * * The Col. says he appreciates @ * the advancement in rank but * never expected to receive it in a small Kansas town. fe ee & & te ele ee ete ewe te oe ee eee % eg Py Program for Linn County Fair and Rodeo to Be Held Here Next Week Linn County Fair, Entry day, Tuesday, September 6. School day, Wednesday, Septem- ber 7. Rodeo parade uptown, 10:30 a. m. Championship Rodeo contest, 2 to 4 p. m,, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, September 7, 8 and 9. Rodeo Program 1. Grand entry of contestants, ‘officials, local mounted men Wwo- men and children. 2. (Eastern Kansas mounted ser- pentine drill. ~ 3. Introduction of officials, con- testants and mounted guests of honer. , 4. The Roughriders’ stampede. 5. Professional Brahma riding contest. 6. Trick and fancy roping exhi- bition. y Professional calf-roping con- test. 8. Linn County Fair livestock parade. 9. Professional bulldogging con- test. 10. Exhibition of educated horsés. 11. Professional broncho riding contest. 12. Trick and fancy riding ex- hibition. 13. Brahma riding contest, part 2. Note: Clowning by Slick Ware of Oklahoma City, music by Pete Data’s Cowboy band, and “Report- er Style” announcing by John A. Stryker of North Platte, Neb., will be continuous throughout each program. ’ ager and announcer for the “|. Rodeo and Fair Here Next Week BEGINS WITH TUESDAY AS ENTRY DAY HARMON’S RODEO IS THE POPULAR ATTRACTION. TED Rodeo Replaces Horse Races and May Be Seen for the General Admission Price. enteral ea Linn county’s 32nd annual fair will begin Tuesday of next week, September 6 and continue until Friday evening, September 9. Tuesday, the 6th is entry day and no admission will be charged. Wed- nesday is school day when all schoo] students of the county will be ad- mitted free, tickets having been mailed from the office of County Supt. Sellers this week. | James W. Wallace, secretary of the fair association tells the Re- public that a splendid line of dis- plays are assured in each depart- ment, There will be an extra nice livestock display and special prizes have been arranged on several classes. The grounds are being cleaned and prepared for the fair, this week, Cleve Miller and his NYA boys have done considerable work on_ the grounds, fences and bandstand and businessmen and farmers worked Monday. Harry Carbon, president of the association, states that in his estimation the grounds and buildings are in thle best shape they have been in many years. Of ccurse the rodeo is the big show this year, taking the place of races that have been held many, seasons. Col. John A. Stryker is master of ceremonies at. the rodeo’s show and Ted Harmon of Guthrie, Okla., is owner of the livestock. The rodeo showed at Girard July 30 and 31 and many Linn county people saw their show and induced the fair as- sociation to secure it for the fair here. Wednesday at 10:30 the rodeo parade on Main street which will consist of cowboys, COW: girls, old time prairie schooners, covered wagons, Pete Data’s cOWw- — boy band, the high school band, etc. Officers of the fair association are: G. H. Carbon, president. Earl Murray, vice president. James W. Wallace, Secy.Treas. Mrs. F. S. Mead, Supt., and Mrs. _ ay Strong assistant Supt. Floral Julius Bacon, concession man- — ager. ee tnd af divaatane is) COM-=_ a.m. will be