i em deligzted to have your letter of November 2le I have great confidence in lies Stapleton's ability de the job one lumired pur cente She has beon a wonder asset in constructively building our departuont. 28 Sincerely yours, MBrector of Physieal “veatton and Pocrestion ASS ‘ fe Sa , ‘ TM WL me ee 7 oa por « a rows ee fang ee pk hl LA AA Cea vd ay BM had tov tithated yyw Hs oe choot Lae Ch — ee cf rt AL adiny kit See A Cry he December 5, 1959. ire Edgar P. Sehmidt, State Supervisor of Recreation, 912-914 Kansas Avenue, Topeln, Zansage Dear Eddies Thank you very much for your kindness in sending me a copy of the manual you have prepared for recreation supervisorse This contains such valuable informetion, end we appreciate having this copy for references I am suggesting to Miss Mary May Lattner, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, who graduated here last Jue with e mayor in Physical Fduecation. Miss Lettner is hendling recreation work for the Y.i/.CeAe in Tulsa and is very much interested in organization, program building, and so forthe With best wishes, I an Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: AH - ‘Varsity Basketball Coaches WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION 912-914 KANSAS AVENUE TOPEKA, KANSAS November 27, 1939 Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allen: During this past summer I mentioned the fact that I was preparing for distribution to our workers a manual for recreation supervisors, covering organization, program building and program evaluation. I am sending you a copy of this manual. Supervisor of Recreation. December 15, 1939 With ell good wishes, I an Very sincerely vours, Direstor of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coache ‘ Elwood, Yansas Ty? . Forest c.Allen Tniversity of Yanses Lawrence-Yanses Dr, Allen T hove Ttm not botherine von too much but there is some informetion T want and as T'm a shut-in the onlv wav T can eet it is bv writine and finding out. There's 4 radio program called What's wr Name, Tts a contest in which in- formation is siven concerning a well known nerson and the contestant evesses who it is. The listen- ers send in the names and information. About'15 vears ago T was almost burned to death and TIT supv- pose euat is one fact that makes me a ereat ad- mirer of Glen Cunningham, Although Ttm a shut-in 7°m - great follower of all sports especially from wT. I'd like to send in Glen's name and informa- tion, T have 911 the information T need excent z can't seem to find where he was Born, T know hets from Fikhart but T don't know whether that is where he is born or not. | T have a hobby of trvinge to cet letters from people T admire........T've heen suecessful in getting them from Governors Tandon, Ratner, Mux- man and Will J. West and many others, Do vou think Glenn would write me that information T want so T could have one of his among mv colléc- fon. T would like one of yours too, if it isn't too mich trovble. T had hoved to get one of Dr. Naithsmith's but I put it off too long didn't TI. If this is putting vou to too meh bother, just forget it. Yours for a good basketball team Miss Rosenet Stevens le William Spanenberg, Physicel Education Department, Vathen Mele Junior High School, 3588 Bast. Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohide Dear lite Spanenbergs T ea in receipt of your inquiry of December 15th, end believe you are referring to waat I have called “the batting average” of basketball playerse iam enclosing @ copy of the research we conducted here at the University of Kansas on the ability of basketball players for the — seasoms of 1957-58 and 1933<09< If you desire any further information it will be a pleasure to hear from youe : Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, | Varsity Basketball Coaches NATHAN HALE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 3588 EAST BOULEVARD CLEVELAND December 13, 1939 Dr. Forrest Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: You were recommended to me as having some valid and reliable tests for measuring basketball ability. I am making an experiment in teaching basketball and would appreciate it if you will send me a description of what you consider the five best tests of basketball ability. Hoping to hear from you, Very truly yours o William Spanenberg Physical Education Instructor WS:G December 22, 19596 Your letter addressed to me at the thiversity of Kansas at Camerence, Kansas, Se Aen Kansas, ~ arrived here just the same. Tin teks Cit sla ea Ae Vid ek tik en Oe ee ee ee They have this stained either a very dark coconut brown or rede It is inlaid in the floors Other schools use the red sideline on out with a two and a half or three foot margin clear around the court. I think it makes for improvement and beautification. Ce We use black lines around our court, and our lines white square every six inchese ‘The Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and —" FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coaches W. W. McKINLEY BOARD OF EDUCATION SUPERINTENDENT CLARENCE L. MAGEE, PRESIDENT ot JOHN BUOL, SECRETARY DR, G. S. FLATT, TREASURER BURLINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS CONSOLIDATED DISTRICT NO. 1 BURLINGTON, COLORADO Burlington, Colorado December 20, 1859 Mr. "Phog" Allen Coach of Basketball University of Kansas Camerence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: We are ready to lay our lines on our new gym floor here, 80 by 50 with 4 foot basket line, and I have com up with what I think is a potent idea, probable not orig- inal, for the 3 second zone-ie-. Bay it in solit red as included diagram shows. This should help player prevent violations. Please by return mail send your comment of approval or disapproval of the idea. I have sent out to various leading college coaches and if the consensus of opinios is favorable we will finish as the inclosed drawing shows. Please let me hear by return mail because we plan to paint and seal by Wed. Truly yours "Curley" ~chlupp Coach 5 el - Decenber 26, 19596 Congratulations to Henry and Katherine Shenk end also to John Henry, Jr.s, who arrived on December i9th, at 10:15 pene to make the Shank femily complete’ I em writing this from the office, as your greeting arrived here, but I am talking it home so that « Allen may rejoice with the Shenk femily. ‘We often , the very wonderful trip thet we had with the to Catalina Island. We heve always been very of both of yous With best wishes for your continued success happiness, I em ERE E Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coache Z : December 28, 193595 Me Fe Ge Stith, Coordinator, Health, Physical Bdueation end Recreation, Department of Publie Schools, Jefferson City, Missourie Dear Forrest: ornia Los We use this here in our course in Gontent and Methods of Physical and it has proven _ The study is based on several tains much informtion on activities for the grades in which you are interested. With best wishes for a prosperous and happy lew Year, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache STATE OF MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIG SCHOOLS LLOYD W. KING, STATE SUPERINTENDENT CITY OF JEFFERSON December 22, 1939 Dr. Forrest Allen Director of Physical Education Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Forrest: You were kind to the Warrensburg Mules the other night, at least it was quite fitting that the entertaining school won the game. Judging from the way your boys romped over S. M. U., your prospects for another success- ful season look promising. May you have just that is my wish to you. Since June I have been in the Department with Lloyd King, and I am glad to report that I am enjoying my work immensely. One of my duties is to assist a State Committee in drawing up a course of study in Health and Physical Education. I am coming to you for any assistance which you can give for such a program. I am particularly interested at this time in activities suitable for boys and girls of the ninth, tenth, and eleventh grades. I wish to assure you that any assistance you may have to offer will be sincerely appreciated. In the meantime, Happy Christmas to you and yours! Sincerely yours LLOYD W. KING State Superintendent - G. STITH, Coordinator Health, Physical Education FGS: DD and Recreation December 30, 1929¢ Mare Elmer Schaake, Liberty Yenorial High Sehool, lewrense, “enease Dear Elmers I em sending you @ carbon copy of a letter I wrote dis: i: dhs ah Rage Seabee, A, oe Whee neta about playing on @ small court, en sending it along to yous With best wishes for a very happy and prosperous New Year, I.en Director of Physical Edueation and Recreation, Varsity Dasketball Coach. December 29, 1938. i ri ei a i ta you undertake. : lass tome ated coe ane ae ee Ges there, and I camot wderstand wry the resignation. I ‘lmow the discouragemetts of athletic coaching, but I believe we have unsavor and irritating conditions in any walk euything 1 «ii lewtily resumed yous aE A fy lib g : a £3 Ry 92 ; fae gh yf aes ue fg u : i +. sh vig a2! *. . oe q 4 iy a a ar da rf Eten tH nui 5 ‘has md ; fade moo; Gin iis i z