Elwood, Yansas Ty? . Forest c.Allen Tniversity of Yanses Lawrence-Yanses Dr, Allen T hove Ttm not botherine von too much but there is some informetion T want and as T'm a shut-in the onlv wav T can eet it is bv writine and finding out. There's 4 radio program called What's wr Name, Tts a contest in which in- formation is siven concerning a well known nerson and the contestant evesses who it is. The listen- ers send in the names and information. About'15 vears ago T was almost burned to death and TIT supv- pose euat is one fact that makes me a ereat ad- mirer of Glen Cunningham, Although Ttm a shut-in 7°m - great follower of all sports especially from wT. I'd like to send in Glen's name and informa- tion, T have 911 the information T need excent z can't seem to find where he was Born, T know hets from Fikhart but T don't know whether that is where he is born or not. | T have a hobby of trvinge to cet letters from