FORM 126 STANDARD O11 COMPANY (INDIANA) KANSAS CiTy BRANCH SALES DEPARTMENT AND AGENCIES J. W. WILSON, MANAGER H. BE. PURDY, assT. MANAGER J. A. PEARSON, asst. MANAGER ALL QUOTATIONS IMMEDIATE ACCEPTANCE AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS KANSAS Crry, Mo. November 3, 1939 FILE A ae wun A tay In connection with the fiftieth anniversary of Standard Oil Company (Indiana) an independent writer, Fortune-trained Mr. F. Lawrence Babcock, was asked some months ago to write the story of this Company! 3 development and present-day signi- ficance. The result is embodied in THE FIRST FIFTY, a liberally-illus- trated 60 page book which we believe to be a notable addition to the information available in print about American business and industry--particularly that portion of it provided from the point of view of business itself. We are sending you a copy in the hope that you will find it - interesting and educational. If you do not care to give it a permanent place in your files or library, please pass it on to someone else who may enjoy it. If you feel moved to any comments on the book or its contents we shall be glad to have them. Sincerely yours, NY oy suBecT THE FIRST FIFTY