Tep O'SULLIVAN INSURANCE BROKER S16 WALNUT STREET BUILDING KANSAS City, Mo. HARRISON OI102 January 18, 1939. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allens Thank you very much for your letter of January leth, informing me as to where I can secure pro- per shoes for foot correction. I sincerely appreciated the treatment you gave me on the train following your game with Oklahoma. I am following the prescribed exercices that you gave me for foot correction, am I am certain that they will improve my comition within a short period of time. I trust that your team will hit a winning stride, and with kindest personal regards am best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, TO'S: FF University of one ile idle We: i pb \ SCRANTON PENNSYLVANIA December 19, 19358 Director of Arhletics University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: I am preparing my 1939-40 basketball schedule. If you are planning a trip through this section of the country we will be glad to have you as our guests in Scranton. The University of Seranton is situated in the heart of the anthracite coal fields and is less than 150 miles from New York and Philadelphia. We are ideally located for a stop-over either the night before you play in either of these cities or the night after. I hope that in mapping your itinerary for next season you will include a stop-over in Scranton. Very sincerely yours, Frank Jd. Graduate Mer. § ? i143 fe seth 3 y i at tei i , i : < ae i lh i H Ba tga He) a a if fier ‘ii ae H ene | ue i alk Hi i a ae ie ti toll cw fn 5 heseaal bh of oa we ety ous Hebaoke et tne a — ee sl = se: ge 7 ed... : teins putt «hi fpskiy Ye 2 te Soe 7 * A beers tea ST Geet Pay Ce ee v Jamury 13, 18396 be t liu i / ae ghee ii i : ait 2 B f H 4 le i: | a : E weet od H AU a into 7539 J (THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS ] Dr. Forrest Allen c/o K.U. Lawrence,Bansas Bs Wapéner, Oklahoma : “lelse89° Please quote _me price and advise me where y obtain your book on basket ball. Yours truly, Q eos Ralph E.Staffel bach Supt. Sehools February 2, 1959. Professor We He. Swamers, Department of Physical Education, “Washington University, Ste Louis, Pissourie Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coachs WASHINGTON (3) UNIVERSITY SAINT LOUIS DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETICS January 24, 1939 Mr. Forrest C, Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen:- We are reorganizing our Department of Physical Education and would appreciate very much the following information. 1. What fees are required of the student register- ed in Physical Education? 2. Do these fees include laundry and lockers, and what is the amount for each? 3. Are the fees larger for students majoring in Physical Education? Thanking you for your cooperation in this matter, I am Very truly yours, oe XY JON KL. Ahicrieritie whs:m W. H. Summers Assistant Professor of Physical Education Son ie AG PG. Keay Mac LLop- Wade won fet frre Miot- aught (Ce yeng ye Bik Lhe Aveadtast a wrtel (Comng corer oleof Confused a feey lemee) be aunemud, 2 alls well, bak + S wah he th £ gt & Ur anhatlin Tomorens Aecanse 4 Here 4 Aagh achot game te fpieiat a Pe le oe AG — January 31, 1939. Alma, Se Tear “Buteh": T heve finally heard from Dre Sam Le Scothorn, of Dalles, and am sending you the following from his letters paths had followed in the 3 of the medical pro- fession and put all of our arthritic cases to reste "A of an article in the COMMENTATOR is “You will find enclosed two pamphlets on automtic colonic irrigetion « one for yourself and one for your friend. This method is a great deal like a women lying ‘qnemas without removing the tube. I have been giving ~ colonics for fifteen years and this is the easiest and most successful method that I have ever usede" I am enclosing herewith one of Dre Scothorn’s panphletss I hope that you are getting along nicely, and if there is anything that I can do to help you further, please command me, “ith all good wishes, I em threster of Physienl Education, January 31, 19396 Dre Sam Le Scothorn, 1027 Santa Fe Bldges Dallas, Teme Near Dre Scothorn: ! Thank you very much for your good letter of the 27th instante 7 enjoyed mending i¢ very suthe I am passing on the information to my & end I am also enclosing one of your Irrigation dos tka conmiitins t tawe heen will Therapy pamphlets acquainted with this procedure, but keve never seen it used in a case of arthritis. I en sure, however, that this would be very helpfule i tm Sard Sit yon are wp > yer gate 1h week tn pros moting the fortyethird amual convention which is to be held at Tallas cn dime 256350, With all good wishes to you for your contimed suecess and happiness, I an Very sincerely yourt, | riciulake SE Minehead, Mesnteen, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coaches DALLAS COMMITTEE ts HEADQUARTERS ADOLPHUS AND BAKER HOTELS res GENERAL CHAIRMAN: Louis H. LOGAN, D.O. 436 Wilson Building HONORARY GENERAL CHAIRMEN: Tuos. L. RaY, D.O. Fort Worth, Texas Jas. L. HoLLoway, D.O. 3817 Gillon Avenue SAM L. SCOTHORN, D.O. 1027 Santa Fe Building ARTHUR E. ALLEN, D.O. Minneapolis, Minnesota ASSISTANT GENERAL CHAIRMAN: Mary Lov Locan, D.O. 436 Wilson Building ASSOCIATE GENERAL CHAIRMAN: Puit R. RUSSELL, D.O. Fort Worth, Texas SECRETARY: M. A. SCHALCK, D.O. 201 West 10th Street TREASURER: J. 5. WHITEHEAD, D.O. 2420 Maple LOCAL PROGRAM CHAIRMAY: V. A. Kexrry, D.O. Waco, Texar FACILITIES: Rosr. E. Morcan, D.O. 1137 Liberty Bank Building BANQUETS AND LUNCHEONS: J. W. McPHERSON, D.O. 418 Allen Building CLINICS: Same F. Sparks, D.O. MARILLE E. SPARKS, D.O. 2807 Forest Avenue ENTERTAINMENT: Magy G. BEDWELL, D.O. 103 East 6th Streat INFORMATION AND TRANSPORTATION: Gro. E. Hurt, D.O. 418 Alien Building Cuas. E. KENNEY, D.O. Fort Worth, Texas PUBLIC RELATIONS: SaM L. ScorHorN, D.O. 1027 Santa Fe Building FINANCE: CLaAuDE E. LOGAN, D.O. 436 Wilson Building ALLIED SOCIETIES: Jack W. CrawrForD, D.O. 609 Wilson Building WOMEN’S AUXILIARIES Mas. Ropr. E. Morcan 5533 Mercedes American Osteopathic Association Forty-third Annual Convention JUNE 25 to 30, 1939 DALLAS, TEXAS January 27, 1939 Dr. F. C. Allen Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: You must pardon my delay in answering your letter relative to your lawyer friend at Alma, Kansas. Monday your friend, J. W. Griffin, came to me for treatment: as you know, he is to be connected with the White Plaza, one of our best hotels. He isan nice chap and I thank you for sending him to me. Perhaps arthritis, which is the affliction of your lawyer friend, is caused from toxemia in the colon. As you know, a great many of us doctors are treating arthritis a little differently sinee Dr. Locke has been successful in breaking up adhesions in the foot, caused by arthritis. Up umtil that time, we osteo- paths had followed in the footsteps of the medical profession and put all of our arthritic cases to rest. In case there is no osteopath in Alma, I would advise your friend to take one chiropractic treatment a week. A digest of an article in the February COMMENTATOR is in this month's READERS' DIGEST. If he were to read it, he would be encouraged a great deal to do something regularly to stimulate his nerve and blood supply, which will bring about relax- ation. You will find enclosed two pamphlets on automatic colonic irrigation - one for yourself and one for your friend. This method is a great deal like a womam lying on her back and taking a douche, or taking 25 or 50 enemas without removing the tube. I have been giving colonics for fifteen years and this is the easiest and most successful method that I have ever used. It was nice to hear from you and, if there is any way in which I can serve you further, it will be a pleasure. Sincerely, bah ite Sam L. Sfothorn slstw Colonic Irrigation Therapy . ..d@ modern and scientific treatment of the colon and gastro-intestinal tract. By DR. SAM L. SCOTHORN woe Automatic Colonic Therapy is more than an irrigation of the colon. It is a treatment, which as it cleanses, aids in renewing, and rehabilitat- ing the functions of the colon. The treatment is given on a specialty built table, where the patient lies on his back and receives the treat- ment without any discomfort or inconvenience to himself. The water or chemical solution is sent to the colon through a very small tube and, without _any visible effort on the part of the patient, relief is secured by a part of the water leaving the colon, more water goes in, and the process is repeated. At all times part of the water and solution is retained in the colon, cleansing, exer- cising and developing its walls, and thereby re- newing the regular functions of an inactive and lazy colon. Gas pressure in the intestinal tract causes many disagreeable and distressing symptoms, such as halitosis, belching, gastritis, and often more serious conditions, as ulcers of the stomach or small liver and gall bladder trouble, and a distressing and depressing effect on the nervous system. intestines, # Table used in the, original equipment for Colonic Irrigation, invented by Dr. O. Boto Shellberg of New York City arta! The table now has the modern automatic attachments for Colonic irrigation and Therapy and makes cleansing and sterilizing of tHe colon almost as easy as washing one’s hands. & “High blood pressure,’ according to an emi- nent authority, ‘begins by intoxication, con- ° tinues by intoxication, and ends by intoxication," and this man was referring not to the use of | alcohol but to the general toxemia of the entire system. Gas pressure, itself, is caused by un- _ eliminated waste material in the colon. Reliey- ing the body of self-poisoning by Automatic Colonic Therapy will do much toward the cure . of the unpleasant and unhealthy conden just mentioned. The feeling that a laxative is necessary should be a warning that one needs scientific colonic treatment. This is the surest means of restoring normal and complete elimination. Coupling scientife abdominal exercises, which can be readily taught to the patient, with this treatment, offers relief which no other form of therapy can offer. ———————eEE>eE>>>— TTT === = — 6 The Goon The colon in reality is the garbage can of the body. A garbage can emptied but not cleansed will become putrid. When food is eaten and assimilated and the waste made not thrown off, putrefaction in the colon is the result, and toxemia of the body follows. What the Modern Method of Colonic Therapy does is not only to clean out the garbage can, but to sterilize it, there- ~by giving the poor intestinal tract and the colon a chance to catch up with a fresh start. Give your body a chance to live longer and your mind a chance to think clearer. CSO ew DR. SAM L. SCOTHORN 1027 Santa Fe Building Phone 2-4027 3219 Beverly Drive Phone 5-6617 DALLAS, TEXAS e galls are Lat 33 fis tf Hs oe | i oe Hi uf ; 1a if January 26, 1939.6 ty Monson, Manager, Department, Stendard 011 Coe, litte He Ae Dear lM. Monsons Sales iis d Ee etitty gt ia’ ESRD A ae Mr. John Siesseger, Jr., W. North Street Clear Lake, lo wa. sikh ki aia 4 : i 4 2 : a ‘ : : ST ee Johnnie's father, Mr. J. H. gi siiesek. is superintendent of our Rai lroad Company and one of my very close business associates here. Looking forward with a great deal of pleasure to seeing you es before long, I am with kindest regards to you and the family, oye 4 ¥ 4 rea a 2 fe & ba | eH x Very fraternslly yours, Pre 8 -d é wn February 4, 1939. 3 Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday, and with all good wishes, Ian . oi Very sincerely yours, : - 4 ; JUNCTION CITY JUNIOR-SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL i JUNCTION CITY, KANSAS | ATHLETIG DEPARTMENT | HENRY A. SHENK, COACH MARLIN SCHRADER, ASSISTANT COACH February 2, 1939 DD, Fe Ce ALLER University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Will you please have four tickets for the Oklahoma A. and M. game, February 8, re- served for me and left at the Athletic Office? I will call for them Wednesday evening. The very best of luck to you in your remaining games, sincerely yours, 2 | wee : K (% ( 4 . { sa Perret. February 18, 1959. There is something eles I want to my to you, Stan, but I'll not put it in a letters I] Director of Physical Edueation, February 20, 1989. lire Fred Swan, Head Football Coach, Temple University; Dear Freds I have been intending to write you for weeks to congratulate you on your promotion to the. football coachship at Temples .. 2 was sorry to see our mutual and amiable friend, good old Pop, step out of the picture, but his advanced age end the fact that he has a competence for life mkes it only ee netural that he wuld want to take things a little easier in his later yearse i trust that you have a splendid football season, but I know the trials and tribulations of a head football coach. [verybody is trying to do unto you what you are try- ing to do unto then, and that makes it tough for a wimer, I Imow.s Anyhow, here's good luck. » IT might say that I got a nice letter from our old friend, Andy Kerr, last Saturday. It seems like old times when we talk about Andy and Pop, doesn't it, Fred? With lots of good luck, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. ‘ February 18, 1959. Mre Sylvester Schmidt, Marysville, Kansase Congratulations on your edieetics as the Honer K Man for 1937-383 This is a well-deserved honor Pee re nee ee OT Oe ey BOE WE eee This is the thing I made reference to in i} Sikes otk tis ence | With best wishes, I am Cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach, February 27, 1389 E Be ge iH eels 1 Hoi aE the cards body, arranging Thank aly jak gene yu oe before =. student taking the aah eae te for distri bution the of pep 7 , FCA Coach a Direetor Varsi = of 1 Bducati on, Le February 16, 19596 If I can be of amy service in any my, I assure you of my hearty cooperations Very cordially yours, : Direotor of Physical Education, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coaches EVAN E. EVANS, President Winfield AGNES ENGSTRAND, Vice President Manhattan DEPARTMENT CHAIRMEN COLLEGE Prof. H. E. Chandler, Lawrence SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Prin. Harley F. Garrett, Holton JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Marlin Schrader, Junction City RURAL AND THIRD CLASS CITY HIGH SCHOOL Supt. W. R. Binns, Williamsburg INTERMEDIATE GRADES Myrl D. Long, Ottawa RURAL SCHOOL Madison Coombs, Belleville KINDERGARTEN-PRIMARY Gladys Kemp, Emporia ROUND TABLE CHAIRMEN ADULT EDUCATION Ernest Breit, Kansas City, Ks. ART BIOLOGY Paul E. Blackwood, Topeka EDUCATION AND NORMAL TRAINING Supt. J. H. Houston, Axtell ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PRINCIPALS Wylie V. Harris, Cottonwood Falls ENGLISH Paul C. Owen, Manhattan GEOGRAPHY C. R. Watson, Topeka GIRL RESERVE Golda Crawford, Topeka HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION GENERAL CHAIRMAN H. Bruce Smith, Manhattan SCHOOL NURSES Mrs. Lucyalyce Cheney, Ottawa MEN'S PHYSICAL EDUCATION Ralph L. Reed, Burlington WOMEN'S PHYSICAL EDUCATION Mary Caston Washburn, Topeka Hi-Y Lee Gemmell, Marysville HOME ECONOMICS Edna Circle, Topeka INTERMEDIATE GRADES Yetieve Guldner, Lawrence LATIN Mary A. Grant, Lawrence MATHEMATICS Bernice Boyles, Topeka MENTAL HYGIENE & LEARNING Helen M. Shirk, Topeka PB. T2A, Mrs. H. H. Haney, Topeka PHYSICAL SCIENCE H. F. Ellithorpe, Topeka PRIMARY Zelma F. Hockett, Manhattan READING Elizabeth Bertotti, Atchison SCHOOL LIBRARIES Pauline Shipp, Atchison SOCIAL STUDIES Robena Pringle, Topeka SPEECH AND DRAMATICS Carl S. Brandner, Holton PRA Ee MENTE NS TERT ROTI SRT: TREATS ET SSRI ; PSA ELVEN TTS ee SAE DRE TE AE f. L. PINET, Executive Secretary C.0. WRIGHT, Assistant Secretary HEADQUARTERS BUILDING KANSAS STATE TEACHERS ASSOCIATION 315 WEST TENTH STREET TOPEKA, KANSAS SEVENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL CONVENTION ( November 3-4, 1939 . TOPEKA - KANSAS 1643 FPairview Ave., Manhattan, Kansas February 13, 1939 WRITTEN AT. Pr. Fe. C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen, I need help very badly in arranging a program for the Topeka meeting next fall. It has been suggested to me that we have ‘@ medical man, who is also interested in physical education, talk to our joint meeting next fall. This seems to be a good suggestion and I am wondering if you do not know of such a person there in the University. Of course, this is only one suggestion. Possibly you could offer a better one, or have some person in mind that would be excellent for our meeting. Please let me have any ideas you have on this subject. Very truly yours, NW Bee oe ‘ HRS : EM (The address of the chairman should be given on each letter written on this stationery.) _ Clear Lake, Iowa. February 10,1939. Dear Dr Allen: It is difficult for me to express myself and tell you how much I appreciate your book. I have read many interesting articles you have written and I receive a lot of good from them. By having read so many of your articles, I enjoy your book just that much more. I especially enjoy reading the stories in the back of the book. By looking at the different pictures, I have gained a lot of much needed information such as most basket ball players need. I can't help but think how fortunate I was to have Mr Strickland take me to that basket ball game and to meet you. Again I want to thank you for the wonderful book and I hope to see you at another basket ball game soon. Sincerely yours, February 17, 1959. |STRIMPLE, AGENCY |ORGANIZER Earl Strimple, former news- paperman, and since September 1 {supervising assistant for the Mu- |tual Life Insurance Company of| New York, today becomes agency organizer, it was announced last night. In his new capacity, Strimple will have headquarters in Topeka, but will travel, serving as a con- tact man in the field. A graduate of the University of Kansas, he was for several years in the newspaper business, and for three years was head of the de- |partment of journalism at Hays | Teache¥®s College. ‘He will come in ori to see youe ca Maroh 1, 19555 Li Bai aa He «Baga h gs ie 3 at qi ae § te Fal Ui? i il ha 88 a 1 Gt i aa isi aga S488 dani a it 8 ie Te E i . gebg fg F ae I ne Ht 4 r a ee 4 ace He a feat i 5 H it i a ‘ait | Hee ‘ e824 ae 3 at ; i oy F 338 3 ‘al iil; i a i; eT a indi 3H ai aij baa) iy ; gis gras 1 i i bad | iii February 7, 1939 Education, Coache has dence of show of in shall write Thaniing you for your interest in our YOUrs, Director of Physical Varsity Basketball on few dayse student group, I an DOROTHEA SPAETH School of Modern Dance S801 Warwick Wee4889 January 26, 1939 A group of us here in Kansas City are working toward bringing Martha Graham and her group here on March 16th or 17th. Whether she comes or not will depend on the size of the audience we are able to, more or less, guarantee. Tickets will probably be from seventy-five cents up, possibly student tickets at fifty cents, though we “~ not sure. We would appreciate it very much if you would con- “id the student body to find out whether there is in- terest and let us know approximately how many would come. This is prelimenary work on our part and any co=- operation and information which you can give, as soon as possible, will be appreciated. Very truly yours, Derslia Speste DS/JG