January 31, 1939. Alma, Se Tear “Buteh": T heve finally heard from Dre Sam Le Scothorn, of Dalles, and am sending you the following from his letters paths had followed in the 3 of the medical pro- fession and put all of our arthritic cases to reste "A of an article in the COMMENTATOR is “You will find enclosed two pamphlets on automtic colonic irrigetion « one for yourself and one for your friend. This method is a great deal like a women lying ‘qnemas without removing the tube. I have been giving ~ colonics for fifteen years and this is the easiest and most successful method that I have ever usede" I am enclosing herewith one of Dre Scothorn’s panphletss I hope that you are getting along nicely, and if there is anything that I can do to help you further, please command me, “ith all good wishes, I em threster of Physienl Education,