DALLAS COMMITTEE ts HEADQUARTERS ADOLPHUS AND BAKER HOTELS res GENERAL CHAIRMAN: Louis H. LOGAN, D.O. 436 Wilson Building HONORARY GENERAL CHAIRMEN: Tuos. L. RaY, D.O. Fort Worth, Texas Jas. L. HoLLoway, D.O. 3817 Gillon Avenue SAM L. SCOTHORN, D.O. 1027 Santa Fe Building ARTHUR E. ALLEN, D.O. Minneapolis, Minnesota ASSISTANT GENERAL CHAIRMAN: Mary Lov Locan, D.O. 436 Wilson Building ASSOCIATE GENERAL CHAIRMAN: Puit R. RUSSELL, D.O. Fort Worth, Texas SECRETARY: M. A. SCHALCK, D.O. 201 West 10th Street TREASURER: J. 5. WHITEHEAD, D.O. 2420 Maple LOCAL PROGRAM CHAIRMAY: V. A. Kexrry, D.O. Waco, Texar FACILITIES: Rosr. E. Morcan, D.O. 1137 Liberty Bank Building BANQUETS AND LUNCHEONS: J. W. McPHERSON, D.O. 418 Allen Building CLINICS: Same F. Sparks, D.O. MARILLE E. SPARKS, D.O. 2807 Forest Avenue ENTERTAINMENT: Magy G. BEDWELL, D.O. 103 East 6th Streat INFORMATION AND TRANSPORTATION: Gro. E. Hurt, D.O. 418 Alien Building Cuas. E. KENNEY, D.O. Fort Worth, Texas PUBLIC RELATIONS: SaM L. ScorHorN, D.O. 1027 Santa Fe Building FINANCE: CLaAuDE E. LOGAN, D.O. 436 Wilson Building ALLIED SOCIETIES: Jack W. CrawrForD, D.O. 609 Wilson Building WOMEN’S AUXILIARIES Mas. Ropr. E. Morcan 5533 Mercedes American Osteopathic Association Forty-third Annual Convention JUNE 25 to 30, 1939 DALLAS, TEXAS January 27, 1939 Dr. F. C. Allen Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: You must pardon my delay in answering your letter relative to your lawyer friend at Alma, Kansas. Monday your friend, J. W. Griffin, came to me for treatment: as you know, he is to be connected with the White Plaza, one of our best hotels. He isan nice chap and I thank you for sending him to me. Perhaps arthritis, which is the affliction of your lawyer friend, is caused from toxemia in the colon. As you know, a great many of us doctors are treating arthritis a little differently sinee Dr. Locke has been successful in breaking up adhesions in the foot, caused by arthritis. Up umtil that time, we osteo- paths had followed in the footsteps of the medical profession and put all of our arthritic cases to rest. In case there is no osteopath in Alma, I would advise your friend to take one chiropractic treatment a week. A digest of an article in the February COMMENTATOR is in this month's READERS' DIGEST. If he were to read it, he would be encouraged a great deal to do something regularly to stimulate his nerve and blood supply, which will bring about relax- ation. You will find enclosed two pamphlets on automatic colonic irrigation - one for yourself and one for your friend. This method is a great deal like a womam lying on her back and taking a douche, or taking 25 or 50 enemas without removing the tube. I have been giving colonics for fifteen years and this is the easiest and most successful method that I have ever used. It was nice to hear from you and, if there is any way in which I can serve you further, it will be a pleasure. Sincerely, bah ite Sam L. Sfothorn slstw