different flags all over the country today shows that the game 4s popular. I am sure that thie is one phase of emphasis that need not be stressed for one would be blind not to recognize this fact. There are rumors to the effect that the game is too strenuous for the high setae athlete. Dr. James Naismith and others have made research investigations to determine the basis for such assertions and find them totally without any foundation.. Several years ago a former coach of mine told me of Forrest DeBernarde, one of the greatest basketball players. of all time, whom he had ¢oached in high school.. He said that Forrest was unable to play very long in any game due to palpit- ation of his heart, but this did not prevent him from continuing his practicing... The coach claimed that the youth soon built himself up physically ee place where he was able to stay in the entire game. On the contrary, as regards the statement that the game has a tendency to be detrimental to one's health, I contend that it acts in the opposite manner. ‘Binee it is a sport that. demands as much stamina and physical conditioning as possible,. the youths that participate must follow certain rules of health. often while in high school a student has no incentive for pro-- hibiting his destre to smoke and "sow his wild oats," but when siven the opportunity to play on the school's athletic teams,, he will have a real desire to conform with certain training rules so that his chances may be bettered.. These tr2ining habits then started in high school and continued on into college are often the reasons why so many athletes never smoke. These habits that aid to keep one in physical fitness through his