ly extended thru the addition of eduest ional institutions and a more prominent vlace of athletics in their curriculums.. An athlete that has an enviable record in scholarship and athletics is given many opportunities for employment. A story that Dr. Allen once told his team before they were to be guests of an alumni group was in part, that they would be given an opportunity to acquaint themselves with (divi duels who were civic leaders whereas before they would have never been allow- ed entrence into their office. Through athletics an introduct- ion is made- whereby you ae favorably brought into contact with individuals who might help youe..I do not mean to infer that | athletics will give you a job after completing your course of study but I will say that when one's name appears in print be- Pore the public eye it is good advertising... This is often the opportunity that gives an athlete a start,, although the rest depends upon what the individual does after his chance has come.. Take for example "Boots" Adams, president of Philips Petroleum, and Paul Endicott, vice president of Phillips, both former star athletes of the University of Kansas,.who were given em- ployment after leaving college.. They took advantage of the opportunities so many other athletes are ziven.. A coach is proudest over those proteges een neha later success, rather than those who falter by the wayside, because he takes pride not nie an winning championships but in influencing and Help-- ing to develop men.. The next point that I deem very important and one that the game of basketball is responsible for in a large measure is that of developing sportsmanship. Today in any field of