September 27, 1958. Hire Dorman O'Leary, Vice President, Stern Brothers, 1012 Baltimore Aves, Kansas City, 'issourie Dear" Dummy" s : ss Carolyn Stockwell stopped by the office today das na es ach es Sd Gn nde ta K ns coats with your firme I think you mow me well enough to know that when I write a recamendation for anyone that I would endeavor te tell the truth and not build the individual up undulys Miss See eee ee aoe ee im the Athietie Office, and she also assisted Mr. aril Talken- stien, -ow financial secretary, with his bookkeeping ledgerse I ee ee ee ee ee eee 2 eee ee x ee Oe \ inform you of her fine qualitiese She is an especially intelligent youmg women, with fine disorininati one She has poisee ler character and perpon= ality are exellent. She has initiative and enthusiasm for hor work. She was such en exceptional student that she comeanded the respect of those with whom she worked as well as the leaders in the student body. shes fais hak ak Sk 6 Seeds Tale ie bees English construction perfectly will make you appreciate this facte ‘hen I wrote my new text, “Setter Sasketbali", published by MeGraw-[%11 and Gompany of New York, I used Miss Stockwell as one of my critics on sentence constructions I most heartily recamend her to you without reservation or evasion. She is one of the most promising and brilliant young wonen that I Imowe Very sincerely yours, 2 ne < ee PCAsAH - Varsity Basketball Coaches