STERN BROTHERS & COMPANY DORMAN H. O LEARY VICE PRESIDENT KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI September 28, 1938. Dear Phog: Thank you very much for your letter about Miss Stockwell. It made an excellent impression on all of us and while we have not decided definitely whom we will employ, this will be settled within the next day or SO. You might be interested to know that the other girl we are considering is Miss Josephine Hellings, whom you probably knew when she was a student at the University two or three years ago. I personally think Miss Stockwell's experience qualifies her more completely for the place we have open, and I was very glad to get your letter confirming my own ideas. With kindest regards, I am Veyy sincerely yours, sree i ae Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. DHO: AE